Pulse Beta3 By Jamie "Skeebz" Manson jamiemanson@hotmail.com www.builder-clan.co.uk Capture The Flag for 10 points Dropped flags return to their Base after 60 seconds. Flagroom glass roofs are Detpackable. Main room grate can be destroyed, to allow quicker flag room access. There is a teleport to the capture point from the snipers nest. Only one respawn, but many resupplies Respawn - Main Room Resupply- Sniper nest & beside flagroom www.lx3.info www.bygames.com Another map made for the BY community Thanks to: Worx/smile server for testing TCA/TS server for testing Toothpick for map name and suggestions Murasame for suggestions Eni for map suggestions CiC and TCA for having a proper match on it! Hulkeh for randomness/uploading map :D And the BY community! (And there is also an egg)