================================================= Quad_rocket4 By Koochy.sev ================================================= * [BLUE] and [RED] are equipped with QUAD. * [BLUE] = Forwards / [RED] = Reverse. * [RED] Team will be unlocked once a member of the [BLUE] team reaches the end. * [YELLOW] vs [GREEN] in Deathmatch - Quad spawns every 10 seconds. Both are limited to 3 people (To avoid spam). ================================================= - Map info - Jumps: 8 Difficulty: A little bit harder than qr1, but easier than qr2. Par: Each jump has a par displayed when you collect a pack. Each par can be easily broken. ================================================= Contact: www.nzfortress.co.nz eddieofdoom@hotmail.com #sev-nz - irc.gamesurge.net ================================================= Credits: jerm - Playing for 5 mins.. and getting no where HEHE (Newb <3). =================================================