Raiden5 - Capture The Flag A Mix of Raiden_l2 and Raiden3 Objectives: Get the enemey flag, return it to your base. Defend your flag. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. 15 points per Coast-to-Coast Capture. Original Mapping by: ULIBOH Remade and Revamped by: NeonLight Thanks : ULIBOH for the great map inhouse crew for testing masz for missing the first coast to coast Changelog: 11/30/18 ----------------------- Added ladder in Flagroom Added bridge supports Made respawns alternate Moved yard boxes close to base and wall 12/3/18 ----------------------- Moved ladder to other side of Flagroom Gave grenade bags 50 more armor Capping the flag now gives 2/2 grenades Getting a coast to coast gives you 2/1 extra grenades 1/20/19 ----------------------- Moved ladder behind two doors in flagroom. Only an engineer can access these doors by pressing use on them. Removed a few bridge supports 2/20/19 ----------------------- Resized engineer door Redid water tunnels to not be broken brushes Added real lighting Added player clips to sky light above top soldier position