Raiden6 - Capture The Flag A Mix of Raiden_l2 and Raiden3 Objectives: Get the enemy flag, return it to your base. Defend your flag. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. 2 extra points for Coast-to-Coast Capture. 10 points for Hidden Capture Point. Try and find it! Original Mapping by: ULIBOH Remade and Revamped by: NeonLight Thanks : ULIBOH for the great map inhouse crew for testing Changelog: 10/10/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Made engineer doors in flagroom touch open Added more ammo to top ramproom bag Halved plank health Removed some of the bridge support beams Extended water ladder to floor Made a ledge for battlements window Changed battlements layout Changed ramps to top ramproom to ladders Moved top ramproom bag closer to top z Made environment lighting brighter 10/14/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Adjusted battlements more to make a more defined chokepoint Adjusted top ramproom dimensions Changed Coast-to-Coast point reward to 2 points instead of 5 Fixed various misaligned brushes Reduced top bag respawn time from 25s to 20s Opened up the ladder pits 10/28/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Made the backway pit shallow Moved doorway back to left corner in top ramproom Adjusted battlements hallways Adjusted ladder exits Angled top ramproom windows for more movement area Added trim to ramps outside to see ramp start and end Adjusted c2c field so you can never miss it (doug) Added crates to top ramproom Adjusted lighting in batts and top ramproom Added light to front door yard 11/2/20 ------------------------------------------------------ AESTHETICS AND TEXTURES Changed battlements hall again Made door to top ramproom larger Changed various lighting 11/3/20 ------------------------------------------------------ You can build a sentry on the floor again 11/6/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Added platform to bag area in flag room Removed Health and Armor from grenade bags in spawn Split top bag into two (20/35) and (15/15 w/ grenade) Adjusted lighting around map MORE AESTHETICS AND TEXTURES 11/7/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Added detable computers (personal points only) Added secret cap point Fixed various textures MORE AESTHETICS AND TEXTURES 11/9/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Removed flagroom platform MORE AESTHETICS AND TEXTURES 11/11/20 ------------------------------------------------------ Moved smaller health bag up top towards batts Mirrored blue base Changed grate texture to glass in T Junction TOXIC SLIME INSTEAD OF LAVA 11/13/20 - FINAL ------------------------------------------------------ Added lights to backway acid Added health/armor to blue grenade bags Removed second bag up top. Moved other bag towards the boxes. (35h/50a 1 frag)