///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resources file, created with HLBox17b, free software!!! // // © Chapo 2005-2013 - Infos @ http://www.17buddies.net // // More than 80000 maps to download! // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // signal.res // Created: GMT 2018-02-02 22:41:37 // Following files are listed in // bsp but couldn't be analysed. // However they may be necessary: // sound/ambience/tankidle1.wav: File not found // sound/items/itembk2.wav: File not found // models/flag.mdl: File not found // models/w_grenade.mdl: File not found // sound/buttons/bell1.wav: File not found // models/w_medkit.mdl: File not found // sound/items/smallmedkit1.wav: File not found // models/backpack.mdl: File not found // sound/weapons/scock1.wav: File not found // sprites/flare1.spr: File not found // sound/ambience/industrial1.wav: File not found // liquids.wad: File not found // tfc.wad: File not found // tfc2.wad: File not found // decals.wad: File not found // halflife.wad: File not found bdogtfc.wad gfx/env/city2up.tga gfx/env/city2dn.tga gfx/env/city2lf.tga gfx/env/city2rt.tga gfx/env/city2ft.tga gfx/env/city2bk.tga maps/signal.txt