Skate2 By Axl Axl Axl Go Stl Rams! Get the enemy flag. Skate around the rink. The first team to complete 30 laps with the flag wins! - 2 frag points for each lap. - Winning Team immediately receives Quad Damage and Invincibility for 30 secs to PUNISH the losing team! - Map ends after 30 second killing spree. Skate2 is a fast paced "Intermission" map to play between normal maps on smaller servers (2 to 10 players). And relax, don't take this map too seriously. Revisions: Changes/Additions in Skate2beta7: - fixed the damn sg bug in respawn rooms - added 5 more seconds in the endgame killing spree - changed pink coke machines, to food machines. - other little fixes Changes/Additions in Skate2beta6: - Added scoreboards - Removed HW class - Wider exit ramps! duh - Made flags unavailable at map start for 60 seconds - Exit side rooms added - Changed scoring HUD text - Fixed speak sentences - Added beveled structures around flags - Made it so you can walk behind benches in rink - Added a sound for when you pick up a flag - You now get frag points for caps - 30 seconds of quad/Invincibility - Added anti-grenade-spam ent in locker rooms - Ajusted clip brushes better to prevent cheating - Removed 4 ads to keep rspeeds down - Added Spam billboard - Functional coke dispenser - Added More secrets/easter eggs - Cleaned up some brush work HISTORY: I originally created this map in 1999. This was my first tfc map and I really just wanted to make a simple small map that I could learn the ents on. I got so frustrated with WC 2.1 and the TFC ents at the time, I put it on the shelf for 2 years. I probably should have left it there :) INSTALLATION: Skate.bsp - half-life/tfc/maps Skate.txt - half-life/tfc/maps doop2.wav - half-life/tfc/sound/skate TOOLS: Valve Hammer 3.4 Wally Pak Explorer PhotoImpact 6.0 CoolEditPro 2.1 NOTES: When playing on the net, If you have a ping over 300 or so, your movement can get a little choppy on the skating rink floor. Especially at the turns. Thats a drawback of having a trigger-push ent pushing you around. There are 8 respawn ents in each base. So you can play on a 16 player server but I would expect it to be pretty spammy. There are a few secrets in this map. THANKS: Lady Liberty - For actually getting this thing played on public servers theWalrus - playtesting, ideas Divot - Playtesting Al Bundry - Playtesting Nightmare - Playtesting, ideas, hosting Puni$her - Playtesting Sgt.Thundercok - For Well, Rock, And ofcourse SPAZBALL! Email: