THE SOUCUSS. STORY The 4 kings of the Soucuss is the strongest forces of the whole kingdom. If one can bring them the legandary 4 faced flag they will have the power of the 4 kings. BLUE LIONS You must get the 4 faced flag before that red wolfs grabbes it and drains the power of the 4 kings! the flag is protected by a heavy gate that can be lifted by entering the codes in the laptop on the roof of the middle base. When you have the flag, bring it to our base's capture point! RED WOLFS You must get the 4 faced flag before that blue lions grabbes it and drains the power of the 4 kings! the flag is protected by a heavy gate that can be lifted by entering the codes in the laptop on the roof of the middle base. When you have the flag, bring it to our base's capture point! SCORING 10 points for each capture Mapping by Drag00n Initial idea by Amorphia