stack created by jarek aka natedizzle Shutdown Style Capture the Flag Laser down time is 50 seconds Button reset time 53 seconds Flag return time is 40 seconds 10 Points per capture ------------------------------ SPECIAL THANKS TO: RaisinBran - Feedback and nagging to get it done Yam - Literally my go to guy with questions of oddball problems and mapping techniques MoonGuardian - My automatic Yam pager Gogeta - For the easy rampsliding ramp info Gen and TechN9ne - providing a server and feedback G-Baby and the members of VOO - providing a server and feedback Eric/Dan of AI - providing a server slippy/RES - server and bitching about the original ramp setup and water speed AGT - for being annoying and driving me to map instead of play tfc Muse for creating the best soundtrack tfc could ask for Other people will go here when they dopeslap me and remind me of what they did ------------------------------- Custom .wads used: ikbase.wad wb-dragoon.wad alchimy.wad openfire.wad lunbase.wad -------------------------------- Final Note: This map was released in 2006 at some point, the button/security timers were absolutely horrible and I became consumed with work and lost the original .rmf file, thanks to BSPEdit I finally fixed everything that needed fixing... 4 years later. I think. #agency