Tayconc3 by
  Alexander Taylor, aka Tayl0r
Textures by
  MacMan and Randy Reddig

This is map 3 of the series TayConc.  However, it is
not essential that you have played the others But if
you are finding this one hard, there is a nice
difficulty curve throughout the series; good conc’ers
can do TayConc with their eyes closed and TayConc 2
without too much foul language.

Anyway, this one is set in a city, not any particular
city though, and it sure isn’t very city like in
layout.  But then, if it were we would just walk around
and there would be no concussion grenades needed
whatsoever.  So the mysterious forces that be decided
to make random holes and walls for you to hop through
like a good scout/medic.

The jumps start of "medium" and progress into
"moderately hard."  Again this map isn’t so hard that
nobody -except the 1-2 elitist bastards- gets past the
first jump.  That said it is not exactly easy; if you
think you’re clever because you can jump up the lift
in 2fort, it will be a bit hard.

*** BUG BUG ***

There is a problem on Jump 4, it is quite hard to
shoot something in mid-flight when you're dizzy from
the concussion grenades and this is not helped by the
fact sometimes the shots on the buttons don't register
(It's not the health setting).  However, you can
LAND on the buttons slap it and drop down, and I
recommend you do that if you're creating bullet holes
on the buttons to no avail.  Sorry about that.

* Each jump has a short description telling you what
  do to.
* You can only die on the first jump.
* Objects such as gratings and glass break when you
  thrust your face into them, not when you shoot them
  (looks cooler that way).
* Yes, the usual football secret is here.

www.tayl0r.net (it's a zero)