-= Victory Zone =- This map is made to TFC Sniping clan [ -V- ] as it stands for Victory. Theres a lot of spots to snipe from, to camp from, or whatever u call it. Dont say U hate the map if u dont have the skill it needed. Hope U like it, Hope U snipe it! Map been created by [ -V- ] WhO? and "completly" edited by The_PHANTOM. Also lets not forget [NSA]Slim Shady, his the1 who helped me 1st. This is the real shit! Like Slim says: "Shady's Production's (c) 2003" [ www.victory-clan.com ] [ -V- ] WhO? [ -V- ] bLacKoUt [ -V- ] Carnifex [ -V- ] Slayer [ -V- ] Negative [ -V- ] Drunken [ -V- ] money$h0t