Half-Life Map Spec Sheet
------General Information--------------------------------------------

Title		: wampa=hole
Filename	: wampa=hole.bsp
Author		: Silentrunner007
Author Email	: Squidsville007@aol.com
Home page	: www.angelfire.com/punk4/squidsville
Description	: small for quick play
Previous Maps	: squidsville_arena,btk_octofdoom
date            : 10/28/2002
------Credits and Thanks---------------------------------------------
docrock....he da man!!!!

------Additional Info, Tips, and Notes-------------------------------
watch out for "holes" (dont'worry nothing painful)

------Play Information-----------------------------------------------

Deathmatch	: yes
Single Player	: nope
Map Description	: small map with Wampa's favorite......holes
How Many Players: 1-10

------Map Information------------------------------------------------

New Textures	: yes(see if ya can figure out which one....  :)
New Sounds	: yes courtesy of bill murray in caddyshack


Base		: built from scratch
Editor(s) used	: hammer3.4, zoners tools
Compile Machine	: qrad, qbsp2, vis,... ,all standard
Compile time	: 14 minutes 57 seconds
Playtest time	: few test runs on lan and test runs online

------Map Instructions-----------------------------------------------

Unzip the files in this archive.  Place the map, "wampa=hole.bsp" in
your half-life/valve/maps directory.  put the whole "hole" folder in 
the half-life/valve/sound folder


This level may be distributed via any medium (ie: Internet,
BBS, CD-ROM, compilation disk) as long as it maintains the
name wampa=hole.bsp and is supplied in a zip file called 
wampa=hole.zip that also contains this text document and 
no other files.

If the level is to be included on a CD-ROM or other profit-
making medium, including but not limited to "Public Domain"
collections or archives, the publisher / manufacturer must
send me a copy of the product.

I reserve the right to refuse permission for this level to
be distributed via any CD-ROM or other profit-making medium.

(c) Copyright 2002 SQUID-MAPS.INC