WE WERE SOLDIERS ================= ------------- Story ------------- On 9/11 THE US got SUCKER punched by osama bin Laden. And bunch of pussy terroists. THE US OF A! WOULD NOT LET THIS ATTACK GO UN PUNISHED! They launched a counter attack and took down many terroist bases. US intel, found a hidden cave where they beleive osama has lived all his life. They launched there finial attack to capture osama......... ------------- HOW TO PLAY ------------- Simple your a soldier kill the enemy ------------- CLAN INFO ------------- SpY ooX AND MiNiON ARE THE PROUD LEADERS OF X-ARMY TO JOIN ARE ARMY GO TO ARE SITE WWW.XARMY.TK ------------- MAP INFO ------------- MADE BY JOHN FLOYD OR AS SpY ooX A BIG THANK YOU TO -DEADMEAT- FOR MAKEING THE BOT WAY POINT FOR MY MAP. =================