ZELDA_EASTPALACE MAP: Nicholas P. Low, aka nyro CONTACT: nyronic@gmail.com MODELS: clowneh watch TEXTURES: Gogeta Jeff Fox NINTENDO nyro VALVe SOUND: NINTENDO MUSIC: chthonic & halc(OCRemix) NINTENDO QA LEAD: N.O.L.F. QA: clowneh Gogeta Irina MadCow Threat tkg SPECIAL THANKS: MadCow N.O.L.F. VALVe Mike & the [FM] Community Everyone who still plays TFC, thank you for keeping this game alive! Zelda is © NINTENDO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INSTRUCTIONS: - After spawning into the dungeon, press '1' to select your crowbar! - Look up to view the MAP! - Enemies will spawn upon entering a room.(Not all rooms have enemies) - Enemies respawn eventually, don't hang around too long in dangerous areas! - The MAP and COMPASS are requisites to complete the map. You MUST collect them! OBJECTIVES: - Collect the MAP - Collect the COMPASS - Collect the BIG KEY - Defeat the BOSS! ITEMS: - Rupees give ARMOR. - Hearts give HEALTH. - Arrows give AMMO. - Magic Jars give EVERYTHING. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENEMIES: - White indicators will show you LINK'S LOCATION. - Color coded arrows will show you where your team will spawn. - White spawns are Anti-Fairy spawns, blue team will spawn at them. - Spawning into rooms is done automatically! - KILL LINK SERPENTS: HEALTH: LOW DAMAGE: NORMAL SPEED: FAST ANTI-FAIRY: HEALTH: HIGH(temporary invincibility upon spawning.) DAMAGE: NORMAL SPEED: SLOW SKELETONS: HEALTH: NORMAL DAMAGE: NORMAL SPEED: NORMAL EYEGORES: HEALTH: HIGH DAMAGE: HIGH SPEED: VERY SLOW