Unzip the archive to your half-life directory. The files will be sent to the correct folders. If you wish to extract the files manually, the final locations are as follows: 2fortp.wad - extract to your tfc directory ReadMe.txt - extract to your tfc directory 2fortp.bsp - extract to your tfc\maps directory 2fortp.txt - extract to your tfc\maps directory [SCOT]-Ammo.mdl - extract to your tfc\models directory [SCOT]-Grenades.mdl - extract to your tfc\models directory [SCOT]-Health.mdl - extract to your tfc\models directory create a directory in tfc\sound called teleports arrival.wav - extract to your tfc\sound\teleports directory r_tele2.wav - extract to your tfc\sound\teleports directory transit.wav - extract to your tfc\sound\teleports directory Customising the Base Logo's It is possible to change the appearance of the base logo's to any graphic you like. This is possible because the logo's are three completely different images, ie, The Blue Base Exterior Logo, The Red Base Exterior Logo and the Red Base Interior Logo. By substituting a graphic of your choice for these three images in the wad file, the map will display your custom artwork, rather than the [SCOT] graphics. The files you need to replace are: [SCOT]-Blood (Red base interior graphic) [SCOT]-Red (Red base exterior graphic) [SCOT]-Blue (Blue base exterior graphic) Use Wally or a similar program to open the wad file. Find the three graphics and replace them with your own artwork. Note: The artwork must be 256x256 in size and the original names must be retained in the wad file. If the names are changed, the map will not be able to find the graphics in the wad file and will complain bitterly. This modification is intended for use on clan servers where the name of the clan can be displayed instead of our's. Unfortunately the wad file will need to be changed on all the machines that have access to the server if all the participating players are to see the new logo's. To get round this problem, install the map from the original archive on the server and on all the machines that will access the server. Modify the wad on the server then send a copy to all the other computers. IMPORTANT: Do not distribute the map archive with the wad file altered in this way. The conditions for the use of this map clearly state that the archive can only be distributed with all the files intact and unmodified. Other Info: Author: John Armstrong aka [SCOT]Eric the Pixie[UN]. Development Time: 11 weeks (off & on) remodelled from scratch Current Release: Final, 11th June 2001. Beta Testers: [SCOT]Tartan Terror[UN] [SCOT]Diamond Dog[UN] [SCOT]Tanis[UN] [SCOT]Xtermin8[UN] [SCOT]Leenie[UN] Permissions: This map and the accompanying files may be distributed freely providing that the contents of the archive are intact and unmodified. Distribution as a compilation on CD, DVD or other mass storage device must receive permission from the author before proceeding. This map has been modelled from scratch, but is of course an emulation of the original Valve map that is distributed with the TFC mod for Half-life. Please e-mail all correspondence to: eric_the_pixie@clan-scot.com Clan [SCOT] web site: http://www.clan-scot.com