WTF? / r~ Defrag - 2kfort4_b2.bsp **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 20/02/2004 ================================================================ Title : 2kfort4 beta 2 Filename : 2kfort4_b2.bsp Author : Mark Simpson (Defrag) Email Address : Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 16 ================================================================ New Textures : yes, compiled into bsp. (Sorry this is _not_ going to change.) New Sounds : none New Sky : nope (I may add one yet) Base : none Editor used : teh_hammer 3.4 Build time : Probably about two and a half days total. Most of that time was spent getting the niggly little details correct.. tedious! ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: WON: Unzip the .bsp file to the /half-life/tfc/maps directory Steam: Unzip the .bsp file to the /team fortress classic/tfc/maps/ directory ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Storm the enemy flag room and steal their flag, capture it on your base battlements. 10 points per capture, 10 personal frags per capture. ================================================================ Notes: Since Valve has apparently lost all interest in TFC (2 year old bugs still evident...) I've decided to update 2fort so leagues can use it once more. I've built this entirely from scratch, but using the original 2fort as a guide for dimensions. This is _not_ a copy and paste job. ================================================================ Changes since last release: ** Lighting compile settings changed to make it slightly lighter ** Radiosity of lights changed (brighter and slightly more yellowish) ** New lights added, some light textures changed from "off" to "on" state ** Battlement Hut is now clipped off as per the original 2fort. This is unfortunate as now you can (once again) lose flags on top of the hut. You can once more throw grenades over the hut. Don't be an idiot and lose a flag there then blame me :p ** Lift Resupply Mini-Turret added in the corner - It cannot shoot out, though ** Flag capped message fixed ** Lift (elevator for all you Americans!) now behaves in the exact same manner as the original 'cause Merc complained :P ** Obligitary picture of |404|BluR's face added, LORLFKTHSORLOFLz. BoM BoM BoM BoM BoM BoM BoM ================================================================ Version History: Beta 1 (2kfort4_b1.bsp) The following changes have been made to the base 2fort structure: ** Building in all respawns is now blocked ** Removed mini-turret in lift respawn ** Removed func no_grenades entity in lift respawn ** Some dimensions have been increased slightly ** Wider & taller doorways in most cases ** New textures and theme ** New faster water entrance ** Various parts of the map have been altered for better flow and less mishaps ** It is no longer possible to lag the map using pipebombs in a certain place ** Grate pipe clipped off so players and flags cannot become stuck ** Grenade bags now contain 3 regular and 1 secondary grenade rather than 4/2 or 4/4 -- this may be tweaked in further releases for the top spiral position All hidey holes in the basement and flag room are still there, as are the vast majority of positives people have with 2fort. Please send all comments to either Thanks ================================================================ THANKS TO: eat for converting the jk2 (thanks lucasarts) textures from which I got the rock texture uBeR for the base castle wad. I went on and modified it quite a lot, I believe those textures originated from Quake3 before he converted them, so ta to I.D. All of WTF? even though they didn't get to see it (bar Chem) 'cause I couldn't get on our forums! All of r~, particularly: Skins Merc Nar compact Afx Bluppie Lestat Mata Rebo and the other VTFL Ladder admins for throwing the beta in at the deep-end (where it seemed to play great imo) Shag and the other #pickup.tfc admins for putting the map into various pickups, providing invaluable beta testing All the moany gits for having crap monitors and complaining at the lights ;/ The Far2cool forum posters The Catacombs forum posters (particularly [I think] Darthgreg and whomever else went to the bother of hosting a pickup and providing me with the HLTV demos, cheers!) Blur's face. Other credits to: will add credits as map is tested :) ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< blah blah blah don't rip off this map. If you want to put this on a CD coverdisk (like a bonus CD for a mag with extra maps) please don't as it's not a finished product yet. :). You may not distribute this zip unless the contents are exactly as you found them. You may not include this map for distrubution if the scheme is for financial gain. ================================================================