2tech (Beta Test) **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** Monday, January 22, 2001 ================================================================ Title : 2tech Beta Test Filename : 2techbt.bsp Author : Chris Stephens (Krypt-Tonix) Email Address : cdstep@satx.rr.com URL : None Yet Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 8-24 ================================================================ New Skybox : No New Textures : No New Sounds : No Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Other utilities used : Quake 1 for Original 2tech4 Build machine: PII-800, 356 MB RAM Build time: 2 weeks Compile times HLBSP: Aprox. 28 seconds HLVIS : Aprox. 60 seconds HLRAD: Aprox 13 minutes Check out the Half-Life Editing Resource Center for all your mapping needs: http://halflife.gamedesign.net ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Unzip all files into your "/tfc/maps" directory. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: This map was based on the original 2tech4 from Quake 1 TF1. The orginal author, Kyle Graehl, made this map for what I could say, some major defensive reasons. You would need both skill, timing, and a strong offense to steal the flag out of the enemy base in this map. For all those who remember 2tech, give grief, I worked my best to duplicate every aspect of the original. For the most part it's similar, but Half-Life gave me a lot of trouble with the elevators. I had to make them +use toggles so they would run right. Otherwise the lift would fly off before you got on it. Plus one lift helps those in need of stealing the flag in some cases. Since this Is a Beta Test map, PLEASE send in any bugs you find in this map. I hope to make a final version once I get all those glitches cleaned out. ================================================================ OTHER INFORMATION: Textures - All from halflife.wad, tf.wad and tf2.wad Sounds - I used only one sound for the computers. Skybox - I used the night skybox for the original was themed at night. ================================================================ BUGS: Beta Test!! That means You Help me Find the Bugs! Send them in to: cdstep@satx.rr.com ================================================================ THANKS TO: Clan AGT for helping me beta test this map. That goes out to WildBillGates, GR1NCH, VoteFreak, Abhi, Alchase and if I forgot your name, beat me with a stick and I'll add ya. Kyle Graehl for letting me reproduce his pimp daddy map, Thanks man. Quake 1 for allowing the production of TF1 which brought forth TFC. ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! No map authors may rename this map and give it off as their own. Don't be cheap like that. Nobody is allowed to sell/reproduce or put this map onto a resale CD without my persmission, otherwise you will be in trouble with the law. =\ ================================================================ Again thanks to all those who contributed to the making of this map.