================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : High Security FILENAME : High_Security.bsp AUTHOR : Highlander DATE : 29.9.Y2K GAME : HL | Team Fortress Classic EMAIL ADDRESS : supergunn@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deactivate the enemy laser defence by taking your key to their security control. Your key starts in your yard. Once the enemy security is down, you have 60 seconds to get the flag out before the lasers go back up again. Capture the enemy flag by taking it to the pad where your key starts, in your yard. Ten points per capture. No points are awarded for capturing the keys. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : 1 Player Start Point(s) CO-OPERATIVE : 0 Player Start Point(s) DEATHMATCH : 0 Player Respawn Point(s) TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC : 2 Teams SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 4 to 16 NEW TEXTURES : No NEW SOUNDS : No CD TRACK # : 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map PREFABS USED : None EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 3.3 OTHER UTILITIES USED : None KNOWN BUGS : None COMPILE MACHINE : Celeron 433, 128MB RAM QCSG TIME : long time QBSP2 TIME : seemed like forever VIS TIME : but why do you care? QRAD TIME : if anyone actually reads this sh1t... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- none :[ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Put This file, the High_security.BSP file and the High_Security.txt in /Half-Life/tfc/maps. ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valve Software : For making a great game Zoner : For his outstanding tools ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. I would, however, be honored if you did - if you would only email me first! [END OF DATA]==========================================================[.txtGen]