The Peak Monastery UnReal Tournament's DeathMatch Original by Juan Pancho 'Xceptone' Eekels Recreated for TFC by Doughnut Installation guide: Install the zip into your Half-Life directory and everything should fall into place! For reference purposes or self installation: Half-Life\tfc\maps Peak.bsp Half-Life\tfc\maps Peak.txt Half-Life\tfc\maps Peak Readme.txt Half-Life\tfc\sprites fire.spr Half-Life\tfc\sound\Effects armor.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\Effects belltoll.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\Effects Chimes.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\Effects guitar.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\Effects regenerate.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\nm_tfc nm_wind.wav Half-Life\tfc\sound\nm_tfc burning.wav References, Appreciations, Commendations, and all that other stuff: UnReal Tournament Origin map designers UnReal Tournament is awesome! Look for info on UT2! Metallica- Ride the Lightning: For Whom the Bell Tolls Great album, thx for helping me promote :) SoundFX made possible by Dave and myself (i love foley artists) The wind and fire are unknown authors but i thank them on excellent sounds Special thx to: (deep breathe) My Hero |RE|THE_BOMB(NiX) Clans that gave me a chance: UAF, NiX, SKS, eXeL, 4|4 Experienced Mappers who answered my tedious questions: Mulchman, TyrantII and everyone @ #iNvasionWorks Also thanks to: Silkk, Dogfighter, LadyM (and BabyM), Roxx, Gh0st, Ultima, AssMongrel, DK, FadetoBlah, Poly, Pant, Vio, jigga, SC, skewy, Zues, SatansWill, iabd, BlaZe, Clue, Sinister, AW, evil and baby evil, Bang, Primus, Player, Steel Python, Slayer, DM, Recoil, LightBandit, SV, Army, Incursion, Llamo, CoDe, Juda, X-Rated, Ruiner, Phaelinx, We$iDe, NyTeMaRe, Smasher, FRA, Thrik, Thunder, and everyone else i'm forgetting! Contact info: you can find me, but if you're desperate: AIM NAME-> StarFoxMcCloud