Pledge Capture the flag map for Half-Life Team Fortress Classic mod By Kiwwa. July 4, 2000. v 1.0 (final release) ================================================================ ** General information** ================================================================ Title : Pledge Filename : pledge.bsp, pledge.txt, pledgereadme.txt Author : Tony Ray (Kiwwa) Email : Web Site : Description : Team Fortress Classic, capture the flag style map. Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 16 - 18 ================================================================ ** Map information ** ================================================================ New Textures : none New Sounds : none Tools used : Worldcraft 3.3 : Zoner's compile tools Build time : 2 months (on and off) Compile Machine : P3-800, 288 Megs RAM Compile time : Just under 1 hour ================================================================ ** Installation ** ================================================================ Extract all the files from your zip into the "Half-Life\tfc\maps" directory. You should now be able to run this map from your own computer or play on another server which is running the map. If this does not work, e-mail me at the address above. ================================================================ ** Team information ** ================================================================ Blue team - No class limitations Red team - No class limitations ================================================================ ** Game Rules ** ================================================================ Objective: Take the enemy Flag from atop their flag pole and bring it back to your team's storage cave. Scoring: 10 points per Capture. Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 30 seconds. ================================================================ ** Additional information ** ================================================================ This is designed as a very action oriented fast paced map for advanced TFC players with the intent to balance play for all classes as much as possible. There is a lot of lighting contrast between the outside areas and the inside (cave and mines) areas. The map was designed specifically for clan play although it may be fine for pub play as well. There are nine respawn points for each team to help avoid telefrags. There are no signs anywhere on the map to help newer players although there are team color logos and colored lighting in areas where players may need a little help finding their way at first. The flag sits very high atop a flag pole in each base. The standard way to get the flag is to climb the rope. Various difficult jumping maneuvers can be used to get the flag from various high (vertically) points inside the courtyard where the flagpole resides. Much effort was expended to reduce the effectiveness of spam. The flag itself is impossible to spam in its original spot being so high off the ground. Also, the main respawn area has 3 completely separate exits and all three are protected by a laser to prevent the enemy from entering the respawn area. Lastly, there are no spots where sgs are protected from multiple angles. The helipad building is a no-build zone on top, inside, and underneath. There are 3 main routes between the enemy bases but the "choke points" are fairly confined and most of the halls are narrow enough to be blocked by players who wish to use that as part of their defensive strategy. That was to purposefully offset the bases being so close together and the number of ways into each base. The sniper lofts are constructed in such a way that snipers attacking each other is more difficult than snipers attacking targets on the ground or in the fjord. All players spawn with full ammo, armor and grenades but no packs are in any of the respawn areas. Six team-only packs are spread around in each base and each reappears after a 15 second delay. All contain health, armor, ammo and grens. Kiwwa ================================================================ ** Special thanks to ** ================================================================ my Uranium 235 clanmates who put up with me asking them to check out my map many times along the way ================================================================ ** COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ** ================================================================ (C) Copyright 2000. All rights reserved by Author.