================================================================================ * MAP INFORMATION * ================================================================================ TITLE: RaVeN FILENAME: RaVeN.bsp FILES: RaVeN.bsp, RaVeN_hampster.wav, RaVeN_tele.wav AUTHOR: -Mt!S-Smoke*-[KM]- (FyrFyterSabre79@yahoo.com) EDITOR/QUALITY CONTROL: M249-M4A1-[KM]-,{CgS}Shinta TESTERS: -Mt!S-ChouSau, M249-M4A1-[KM]- DATE: 07/31/07 GAME: Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic 1.6 FILE SIZE: 4.10 MB / 4,205 KB ================================================================================ * COMPILE INFORMATION * ================================================================================ COMPILE TIME: 14 minutes 15 seconds TEXTURE MEMORY: 251 MB PATCHES: 60,000+ MAP BUILDING TIME: Many, many months COMPILER USED: ZHLT 3 ================================================================================ * MAP DESCRIPTION * ================================================================================ Dedicated To -Mt!S-RaVeN*-[KM]- for everything she has done in and out of game. Two team CTF... Blue is team RaVeN Red is team Smoke ================================================================================ * INSTRUCTIONS / INFORMATION * ================================================================================ The flags are located through the stargate of the opposing team's fort. Bring their flag to the roof of your base, capture it and earn your team 10 points. There is a secret way into the bases, good luck in finding them. DO NOT enter the enemy respawn. DO NOT spam the enemy respawn. ================================================================================ * LEGAL INFORMATION * ================================================================================ THIS MAP IS COPYRIGHT (C) 2007 -Mt!S-Smoke*-[KM]- THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED AS A BASE FOR ANY OTHER LEVEL; DOING SO IS VERY VERY VERY BAD Please submit problems to M249-M4A1-[KM]- (wesley.phantomtrilogy3@gmail.com)