Towers and Tubes MADE BY PYROMANIAC (SIBS2000) July 14th 2000 -----------------------COPYRIGHT INFO---------------------------------- This map MAY NOT be used commercially and NO-ONE is permitted to charge for it or put on any CD, DVD, or any form of media for distribution without my express permission beforehand. You CAN distribute this map FREELY over the internet and through e-mail AS LONG AS you include ALL files UNMODIFIED. Map editors are permitted to use this level as a base for other levels as long as they tell me by e-mail first and include me in the credits. --------------------------MAP INFO------------------------------------- Filenames: (includes: Towertube.bsp, Towertube.txt, Towertubeinfo.txt) Auther: Andrew Sibley (AKA Sibs2000 or Pyromaniac) E-mail: Map type: TeamFortress Classic CTF (capture the flag) map Teams: 2 Recommended no. of players: 10-20 (ish) New textures: none New sounds: yes (the same as with the Shutdown series) Editor used: WorldCraft 3.3 ------------------------INSTALL INFO----------------------------------- Unzip Towertube.bsp and Towertube.txt to: Half-Life\tfc\maps If you don't already have the custom sounds create the folder: Half-Life\tfc\sound\stc and unzip the sounds to it. Also put zhlt.wad into your Half-Life\tfc directory -----------------------GAMEPLAY INFORMATION---------------------------- Objective: Get into the enemy base and raise the tube surrounding their flag. Get the enemy flag before the 60 seconds is up and the tube comes back down and take it back to the capture point in your bases sniper bay. Scoring: 10 points for every flag capture. Other Notes: If the flag carrier dies the flag will return to base in 60 seconds. ----------------------BACKGROUND INFORMATION--------------------------- Map Storyline: Years after the Black Mesa incident, information about the facility leaked out into the hands of powerful and greedy companies.Both the Mesington Institute and Lamda Dyne had an army and was willing to fight for the chance to explore the facility and retrieve any of the amazing technology which survived the military bombings. The fighting went on for weeks and there was no clear winner. Both companies decided to set up high tech HQs for their armies. Now after a long and costly stalemate both companies are running out of money and resources to keep their army going. Now is the time to attack and gain the victory before it's too late and you must help your employers to victory. GOOD LUCK ! Map Description: 2 bases, each with a tube surrounding the flag, which must be raised. There is a small structure seperating the bases in no mans land which has 2 heavy machine guns on the roof. You can access the structures roof via the transport platform on the base roofs. Outside each base is an abondoned trench used in the early stages of the conflict. Designers Notes: The sign 'Aero Bays' leading up to the snipers bay is in honour of the ImP clans annoyingly good sniper Aero. -----------------------------SPECIAL THANKS---------------------------- Litheon............for the all in 1 TFC prefabs The Cheese.........for the custom sound files The Fat Lizard.....for the 'mincer' machine gun prefab (only machine gun stand used) Dakushna...........for the machine gun prefab (only machine gun used, not stand) Yak Fighter........for his barbed wire prefab The ImP clan.......for testing the beta version all the forums I used to solve problems with this and other maps All prefabs mentioned here can be downloaded from the Half-Life / TFC section of prefabs central at: --------------------------------FINAL WORD----------------------------- If you have any comments on this map (good or bad) or you want TFC or Half-Life editing help please mail me at Also if anyone has played this map and has been impressed and wants to make any sort of proposition to me (just incase) mail me at the above address. LOOK OUT FOR MORE MAPS AT MY HOMEPAGE: