================================================================ Title : *AKA*Proven Cove Date : November 7, 2001 Filename : akapcove.bsp Author : David Brent *AKA*GenBowl Email Address : davidbb@mindless.com Home Page : http://classicaka.com/ Description : Map made from scratch for the awsome guild *AKA* 2 Bases are set up opposite a large dam like area, and each team must run into the enemy base, grab the flag, and return it to their own base. Each capture is 10 points, and each flag returns after 60 seconds. There are numerous ways into the flag room, and enemy base, so your defense must be top notch. There are tons of good places for SG's, and places for spies to hide. This is a close proximity map Additional Credits : 1. Classic*AKA* (http://classicaka.com/) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. All of whom have helped in anyway during the making of this map, especially those who gave ideas and map names. 3. Valve software for making this great game. 4. Also, my friend Bob for 3 hours of eye twitching beta testing at 3 in the morning. Our hearts go out to many lost sodas that night. ================================================================ * Play Information * --------------------------- Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * ------------------------ Base : None, original map and ideas Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Bugs : Lighting glitch in the corner on large blue ramp to flag room. You can get stuck on turrets if activated while standing atop them. Total Compile Time : 15 minutes Compile machine : PIII 700mhz 256MB RAM DS III S540 32MB QCSG Time : 10 seconds QBSP Time : 15 seconds QVIS Time (full) : 3 minutes QRAD Time (extra) : 12 minutes * Permissions * ----------------------- No selling this map for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored! Free distribution online is fine as long I get credited for the map. Please email me if you do share this map or any of the zip contents online. You MAY NOT alter or add on to this level AT ALL, find someone else to whore from. E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going! ================================================================