Animosity_r (revision) for Team Fortress Classic **** This map designed for Half-life: TFC Multiplayer **** May 21, 2001 ================================================================ Title : animosity_r Filename : animosity_r (animosity_r.bsp, animosity_r.txt, dark.tga sky files) Author : EA|General_Lee and ChEeSy_pOoF Email Address : (General_Lee) and (ChEeSy_pOoF) (email either if you find any probs.) Homepage : Description : TFC CTF(Capture the flag) map Recommended # of Players: 16-18 ================================================================ TIME IT TOOK TO FINISH: About month. I started the map while cheesy did the sky and then he worked on parts of map also. I worked on middle and inside to ramp room, and he did the flag room and parcially connected the 2 parts. I finished up the connecting and many other small things in map. ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: animosity_r.bsp, animosity_r.txt and animosity_r.txt go in Half-life/tfc/maps/ folder And the 6 .tga sky files (darkup.tga, darkft.tga, ect..) go into your Half-life/tfc/gfx/env folder ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Similar 2fort type layout with 2 forts facing each other with a bridge betwen and water. It's a little diff. in that it's at night instead of day as most maps are and after going through base, you exit back outside to an outdoors flagroom. There are also warps in each spawn room to warp to the other spawn room depending where you need to go. Also a water tunnel leading to the upper level of the ramp room but the water entrance door must be detpacked first to reach the ramp room. ================================================================ OTHER MAPS RELEASED BY ME: In no certain order: (all these were made when i was in dwd under the name [DWD]Ace) -x_files2 -x_files_up (not released to public on any site, but can try it at my clans web site. URL above. It's x_files2 upside down) -concmap3 -dwd_arena2 -deathbowl 1 and 2 I left out a little hockey map i made for fun for clan messing around when in dwd and left out x_files (1st version), oldwest as it was kinda laggy, and dwd_arena (1st version) cause both were laggy/had problems. ================================================================ THANKS: Goto ChEeSy_pOoF for all his help on this map for making the sky and his work on the map. Andalso to EA|EnemyWithin for his help on parts of the revision and for compiling map. ================================================================= COPYRIGHT INFORMATION You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================