=========== INSTALATION =========== You can extract the whole zip archive to your Half-Life folder (C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\) and your un-zipping program should put that files where they belong. Failing that extract the files as specified below... put these files.. here.. sky_blu_* -> half-life\tfc\gfx\env banana_l.* -> half-life\tfc\maps *.mdl -> half-life\tfc\models =============== MAP INFORMATION =============== Title: Banana Map (League) BSP File: banana_l.bsp Release Date: Wednesday 13th March 2002 Version Number: 1.3 (Beta 14) Author: [WoF]Vitani Email Address: vitani@tfxsoft.com Web Site: http://www.tfxsoft.com Extra Textures: magma - by Parley Hatch (via Wally web site) - used with permission snow, cliff, & outside walls - all from Half-Life: Opposing Forces CTF Extra Models: snowman, snowy trees & penguins - all from HL:Op4-CTF flags - from HL:Op4-CTF, edited by [WoF]Loose_Cannon Extra Sky: sky_blu_ - from HL:Op4-CTF Extra Sounds: [none] ============ CONSTRUCTION ============ Base: Stared from a cube with a gate, and just kinda grew... Editor Used: Worldcraft 3.3, with Zoners HL Compile Tools Build Time: Just over 2 months (Each revition took an extra 1 day) Known Bugs: You can get away with team killing without team killing using the frga pipe(s), know what i mean? ========= THANKS TO ========= MetaMojo Original Inspiration [TP]V1ru5 } [TP]Phantom } [WoF] Clan } Playtesters & Support Vix3n } Mr.Bee } MadCodr42 Final Rad Compile (Original Version) [WoF]Ramirez } englishpunk } Server dudes Merlin (TFMap Complex) Reviewed my map and inspired me to revise it (Original Version) ======================= Copyright / Permissions ======================= Copyright © 2001-2002 Jonathan Brunson All rights reserved. This level (banana_l.bsp) may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file and additional text file (banana_l.txt) must be included with the level. This level may not be included in any commercial compilations without the express permission of the author (ie me). ================ FCC FLAGS README ================ C. Peter Irving - [WoF]Loose_Cannon, February 2001. You are free to use and distribe these modified models as you see fit. It would be only fair if you were to credit the source. Having said that, I am sure that the H-L, TFC, CS etc Teams are unaware of my activities. And I'm not sure if they would approve. As far as I am aware, the use of these modified models will not affect your Installed Game. They can be removed as easily as they were added. Please understand, you use these modified models at your own risk. I will not accept any liability for any nasty things that may happen if you cock it up.