**** This map designed for the Team Fortress Classic Half-Life mod **** ================================================================ Title : Bases (Revised-2nd edition) Filename : bases_r2.bsp Author(s) : J.W.Gacy[HAUNTED] (Revised version of the map originally done by Eivind Sommersten) Email Address : JWGacyHAUNTED@aol.com or HAUNTEDrocks@hotmail.com ICQ : 1954558 Description : Team Fortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 # of Players : This map was revised for league play, so as many as your league requires Other maps by Author(s) : cavernforts.bsp ================================================================ New Textures : No Editor used : Worldcraft 3.33 Compiler : Q2Beaver 4.0 & ZHLT Tools 2.4.2 Total compile time : CSG 20.59 seconds BSP 26.04 VIS 231.84 RAD 1939.91 ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Place bases_r2.bsp, bases_r2.txt, and bases_r2_info.txt into your Half-life\tfc\maps\ directory. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Enter the enemy Base and make your way to where their flag resides in the top floor Grab it and bring it back to your base. ================================================================ SCORING: 10 points per Capture on the sniper deck. 15 points if your skills can take you all the way on top of your base. 5 points for detpacking the enemy computer. ================================================================ SPECIAL THANKS: Everyone at [HAUNTED] for being clanmates and helping test and play the map. This includes EdGein, T.Bundy, BTK, DocSwango, A.Fish, R.Rozier. Also thanks go to [DoA?] especially Chicken_Wire and MeltDown. Thanks also to [HCA]songoku and Nemo from Top10 Tournament. Thanks to the Top10 Tournament and the admins and map committee for making suggestions. http://www.Top10Tourney.net/ ================================================================ CHANGES MADE IN THIS VERSION: Changed the key to a flag. Fixed the computer bug and spy bug. Moved cap point to sniper loft, 10 points, and added a 15 point cap all the way on top of base that need to use skills to get to. Added pushs to the water tunnels, just like the original Quake bases. Fixed the ladder route from the basement to the ramp room. Added a ladder route from the ramp room to the alcoves by the flag. Need to destroy the grates using crowbar or any weapon. Some aesthetics to the flag rooms. Added a route from the sniper halls up to room before flag room. It uses an illusionary wall. And there is a pack in here usable by both teams. Widened the ramps from ramp room up to this room before the flag room. Re-worked the respawn rooms. General aesthetics to the whole map, decreasing r_speeds a bit in the process. ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================