================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Rime Beta VERSION : 0.3 FILENAME : bf_rime_b3.bsp AUTHOR : Jon Wirth - [HoS]Breadfan - hosbreadfan@hotmail.com WEBPAGE : http://www.clanhos.com/wirthless/ DATE : 10.17.02 GAME : Team Fortress Classic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Capture the Flag. Go get the enemy flag and bring it to your battlements for 10 points and other goodies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OF TEAMS : 2 SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 6-16 NEW TEXTURES : Yes NEW SOUNDS : No NEW MODELS : Yes NEW SPRITES : No CD TRACK # : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : From scratch PREFABS USED : none EDITOR(S) USED : Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Zoner's Halflife Compiling Tools KNOWN BUGS : E-mail me any you find COMPILE TIME : blah COMPILE MACHINE : AMD Athlon 1800+, 512 MB DDR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC : Cannon (www.clanhos.com/wirthless/maps/cannon.zip) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this level, unzip bf_rime_b2.zip into \Half-Life\. Make sure that you unzip with the "use folder names" option in Winzip. Or manually put the files in folders like so: tfc\maps\ bf_rime_b3 info.txt bf_rime_b3.txt bf_rime_b3.bsp tfc\gfx\env\ snowcliff_up.tga snowcliff_rt.tga snowcliff_lf.tga snowcliff_ft.tga snowcliff_dn.tga snowcliff_bk.tga tfc\models\ bf_bluepack.mdl bf_redpack.mdl bf_flag.mdl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textures: The texture set was designed by Shod (http://shoduniverse.telefragged.com/) and found on Wadfather's site (http://www.planethalflife.com/wadfather/). Several of the textures were edited to suit the map's climate Models: The models were made by Valve and reskinned by me. Sky Box: The sky box was made by alX (http://www.mapfinger.com/members/SpatulaBoy79/). Valve Software : Go TF. Boo CS. Zoner : For the compile tools Beta Testers : In no particular order [HoS]crazymrT ReDRaiN eXCeLL [c]288-DuckMX-[Ww] Brick 2sM|Garg [aO]-CerbY ambient [aO]-Xack handy Janordy TFCmaster.net [BlkSun]Jeronimo **KEA**RobSiR ]KO[-Usted ]KO[-Dark Hawk ]KO[-Messiah Gt.Zildjian MafiaMan FV|-Xalin And every one from the Department of Engineering (www.game-edit.org) Playtests. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BETA TESTING INFO * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This map is for BETA testing only and is NOT the finished product. Though if you really, really want to you can use it for matches. Feel free to delete this map when the final version comes out, or hey whenever you feel like it. I mean it's your computer right? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CHANGE LOG * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from beta 1: -Fixed scoring bug -Added "splash" screen -Major lighting changes -Minor retexturing -Added 2nd Respawn -No build and No Grenades in all respawns -Added Skylight Thing -Replaced steps with ramps -Added Side Hall Windows Changes from beta 2: -Fixed roof textures -lighting changes -added the ability to enter respawns -added supplies to respawns -removed rr pack -edited fr pack -changed yard walls -clipped roof -minor texture changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * COMPILE LOG * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not till final ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. I would, however, be honored if you did - if you would only email me first!