**** This map designed for the Team Fortress Classic Half-Life mod **** ================================================================ Title : The Breach Filename : breach.bsp Author(s) : GeENiE ( maurice van de Weerdt ) Email Address : mweert@home.nl or geenietheman@hotmail.com site : http://freespace.morat.net/geenie ( http://clik.to/geenie ) Description : Team Fortress Classic shutdown/CTF map Number of Teams : 2 # of Players : unlimited ================================================================ New Textures : no Editor used : Worldcraft 3.33 Compiler : HLCC compiler , ZHLT Tools Total compile time : +- 60-80 minutes ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: exctract the zip to your halflife dir. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: shutdown the enemy securety and get the flag , you can breach the sewers by detpacking the grate . ================================================================ SCORING: get the enemy flag and bring it back to your base and capture it. for capturing the flag u get 10 points. ================================================================ NOTES: the flag will return after 60 seconds. securety will stay down for 30 seconds. ================================================================ SPECIAL THANKS: all of clan187 (www.clan187.net) and especially helier and painz :x every 1 who tested the map and #tfc.mapping (on quakenet,irc ) ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. i hope cheese didnt mind me using shutdown sounds :x (just borowing :P) further questions comments can be e-mailed of u can find me in #clan187 on quakenet. ================================================================