Map Title: breakout Filename: (breakout.bsp, breakout.txt, breakoutinfo.txt) Authors: Paul "Greebo" Godfrey, Chris "cstone" Stone Description: Attack and Defend map - Avanti style =========================================================================================== Play Information: Single Player: Nope - it's TFC! Teamfortress: Yes! Number of teams: 2 Recommended Player Numbers: 12-22 Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No Construction Editor used : Worldcraft 3.33 Known Bugs : Couple of texture annoyances- with thin lines between surfaces, couldn't solve em - nothing major. Build Time : too many weeks and god knows how many hours of compile time and lots of lost time cos we're both lazy ======================================================================================= More info: This is the first map for either of us - a transatlantic effort if there ever was one (Paul being in Scotland and Chris in the USA). It is best played if it's played honourably - i.e. no respawn camping. As with avanti we cannot put respawn guns except in the first attacking spawn area and the final spawn for defenders. It's best if no-one from the enemy team enters subsequent respawn areas to kill/infect people as they spawn (or build sgs) - this takes the fun out of the game and besides, if you're that desperate for kills, you gotta be crap:-) Thanks to ALL who inputed into this map. Special thanks to Robert E Lee for letting us use The Ville's servers ( for occasional playtests and forums for feedback purposes. To John Doe for the many custom map nights he did which included breakout in some form or another To Cadman for that memorable occasion where he volunteered to drive to the servers (at his place of work) to physically put the map on the server for a playtest. To far too many people to name here who gave us feedback from each playtest. Thank you, thank you, thank you.... ========================================================================================== Install Info: Unzip breakout.bsp and breakout.txt into your tfc/maps dir Do what you will with this file (breakoutinfo.txt)