Citadel32r (revised version) -=*First off go get a beer. This might take some time to read*=- **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** August 08, 1999 ================================================================ Title : Citadel32r Filename : Citadel32r.bsp Author : Lee G Belote (AKULA-J-) of Z Factor productions (ZFP) Other levels by author : The Citadels V1.1, Citadel32 (daahh...) Email Address : ICQ : 6383691 URL : Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 20-32 -- each team has 40 spawn points so it can handle 32 players Note : Outside area is VERY losely based on the quake TF slide show Ditch2 by Korpse B. Dead. (I just liked the overall look of it) ================================================================ New Textures : Yes New Sounds : none Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 Other utilities used : Wally Build machine: PII-350 64MB RAM Build time: 12 weeks (350+ hours) Compile times HLCSG : 146 seconds HLBSP : 168 seconds HLVIS : 717 seconds HLQRAD: 6564 seconds Check out the Half-Life Editing Resource Center for all your mapping needs: The Texture Studio: & Wavelength: (VERY GOOD SITE) ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Unzip all files into you tfc\maps directory ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: VERY IMPORANT! - This map will suck with anything less than 16 players (8 vs 8). I built this map with large games in mind from the start. 24 players should be about the right number and the map can support 32 players as long as the server has the bandwith. GOAL - Fight you way into the enemy base, take the flag and run like mad to one of three capture points. All cap points are clearly maked with signs. 1: Run it through your flag chamber for 7 points 2: Touch the team logo on your sniper deck for 3 points 3: Place it on the raised square on the second floor of your blockhouse for 1 point TURRETS - Each team has 2 user controled turrets, each in the sniper deck wing boxes. More of a toy than anything else but they are usefull in wounding the enemy trying to attack your base. Also there is a switch in each base that ONLY a enemy spy can use to sabotage the guns and knock them out of action for 30 seconds. This switch won't jump out at you but it is in a logical place so keep an eye out for it. SECURITY ROOM - Next too the flag this is the most imporant room to protect in your base. The button on the left controls the water access. when the "CAUTION" sign is "RED" the water access is open giveing the badguys another way into your base. When the sign is "DARK" then water access is blocked off to all (even your team). The button on the right controls the two shortcuts to the flag room there is an alarm that will sound when the alternate ways to the flag room are open. Both buttons take about 20-30 seconds to reset, so at all costs defend this room! Going after this room is the perfect job for spies and a good place for a pipebomb trap. RESPAWN ROOMS - All respawn room are protected by anti-camper turrets and there are func_nobuild entities placed so engineers can't build on spawn points or block doors. And I beg of you, only take ONE ammo pack when you spawn in or your just screwing your teammates. One ammo pack has all you need to get started (do soldiers NEED 50 rockets?). Engineers, build dispensers in the respawn rooms ASAP, you team will thank you to no end. Medics are VERY imporant on this map also (you'll see why). Those oddly places walls in the "Lower Respawn Rooms" are there to isolate the ammo/armor packs from the renderer when you're out in the main hall. SPAM PACK - Yes, it's back and now it gives you everything you could ask for plus BLAST armor. Pre-TF2.6 players should remember what blast armor does :) but it's well hidden in the map. LONGJUMP - That's back too, same place. ================================================================ BUGS: ALL USERS - If you notice odd pauses while playing this map try adding "-heapsize 36864" to your HL shortcut if you have 64MB RAM or more. After you run through the map once you shouldn't see anymore pauses. SOFTWARE USERS - I strongly advise turning off decals when playing this map (R_decals 0). Software + large textures + decals = crappy frame rates ALARM Sounds - Sometimes an alarm sound will keep playing even when it shouldn't. Rock2 and Crossfire also does this from time to time. I only saw it once when testing this map but it CAN happen sometimes. SERVER ADMINS - I would advise you to set the time limit on your server to 45 minutes if you put this map in your server rotation. 30 min games are just too short for such a big map. DOORS - Red doors and striped bars do 10,000 damage if blocked so don't get any brights ideas when you see them closeing. ================================================================ THANKS TO: Fifth Horseman - He hand the only rig powerfull enough to run the lighting program. Thank You, Thank You! LordBishop - For his support and for helping me test this map. Helping me fix the texturing screw-up. Bitching about this and that :) Vortex - Clueing me in on just how to set up a anti-camper turret and for his testing feedback. Nikaar84 - For his help in playtesting this map. Korpse B Dead - Sorry for leaving you out in the readme file in Citadels v1.1. As for Citadel32 what little credit I gave you already is all you get. You do have your fair share of credit on a second rate map. have fun. ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< Citadel32 is copyright 1999 Z Factor Productions. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels w/o asking me first. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any other way without my permission. And if you don't like it.....too god damn bad! ================================================================ Next Projects : Right now I'm working on a Joint map with Lordbishop. No real info yet so stay tuned to the ZFP website. At some point I'll do a revision on "The Citadels V1.1" to correct the lighting "quirks", lower r_speeds some more and fix a bunch of little things. When I have the time i'll get to this but when I do get to this it'll only take about a days work. Anyother things you would like to see change with this map now is your time too SPEAK!! (like e-mail) AKULA-J-