Crenel - a Team Fortress 1.5 map August 5, 2002 FINAL VERSION Harry Truman ======================================== General Information ======================================== Filename: crenel.bsp Authors: Harry Truman X-Illuminati E-Mail: Map Type: Half-Life - Team Fortress 1.5 multiplayer Description: My first attempt at a map. It didn't turn out quite how I expected, but I'm glad to be releasing it, perhaps so I can get to work on a new one. ;) ======================================== Play Information ======================================== Deathmatch: No Single Player: No Teamplay: Yes Number of Teams: Two Number of Players: 2-32 Recommended Number of Players: 8-16 ======================================== Installation Information ======================================== Unzip crenel.bsp and crenel.txt into your half-life\tfc\maps directory. ======================================== Construction Information ======================================== Constructed With: Worldcraft 3.3 Base: None New Textures: No New Sounds: No Build Time: From initial design to final release: about a year. What can I say, I procrastinate. Compiled With: Zoner's Half-Life Tools version 2.5.3 Compile Machine: AMD Duron 875, 256 MB RAM Compile Time: CSG - 15.92 seconds BSP - 7.46 seconds VIS - 81.50 seconds RAD - 7645.20 seconds TOT - 7750.08 seconds (129.17 minutes) ======================================== Map Information ======================================== CRENEL A simple 2-fort style capture the flag map. Objectives: Take the enemy's flag from their base and bring it to your capture point. Your capture point is on the roof of your base. Dropped flags return after 60 seconds. Demomen can use detpacks to blow open (or reseal) the blocked water tunnels to provide a quick route into the enemy base. ======================================== Gameplay Information ======================================== The bag on the roof of the two bases is usable by both teams and contains health and armor. Conc/grenade/rocket jumping up the duct beside the flag room is not an extremely difficult matter. After capping, not only does a flag runner get health/armor but also grenades. No need to kill yourself to get those extra concs. :) You spawn with full health, armor, and ammo. If you do need to resupply, one bag will fully equip you, so there's no need to grab three or four. ======================================== Version Information ======================================== Changes in Final: -Decreased respawn doors' closing delay. -Expanded primary respawn into two rooms to decrease the area's spaminess. Changes in Beta4 (7/15/02): -Made slight texture adjustments. -Fixed roof light bug. -Increased grenade bag respawn frequency. -Removed the front doors' lip, hopefully to take care of the sticking bug once and for all. -Another respawn change. Players now spawn with full ammo/armor and a single bag will resupply. -Added opening into the ramp room from the secondary respawn. Changes in Beta3 (4/4/02): -Changed the texture on the front doors. -Adjusted the shapes in the yard and the max viewable distance variable. -Added clipping to the front doors to prevent "sticking" bug. -Fixed texture on signs. -Redid the respawn. -Widened the hallways around the flag room. -Added clipping near vent shaft hallway to prevent the "floating" effect of grenades. -Changed the color of the lights in the water tunnels. -Moved the cap point up to the first roof level. -Fixed bot return flag bug. -Added ladder to the first roof level. -Added sniper protection on first roof level. -Added darker texture strip to ramp room to provide contrast. -General texture retooling. -Fixed flag rotation return bug. Changes in Beta2 (12/6/01): -Increased the thickness of the ramps in the ramp room. -Removed flag room resupply. -Added two health/ammo bags to the flag room. -Moved the turrets in the main respawns. -Added clipping to directional signs. ======================================== Other Information ======================================== Built to the musical stylings of: Boston Ozzy Osbourne (NOT Black Sabbath) Paul McCartney Queen Simon and Garfunkel Styx The Beatles ======================================== Credits and Special Thanks to: ======================================== Zoner's Half-Life Tools. Wavelength for helpful map tutorials and entity information. -- The Department of Engineering for tutorials, and all the people at The Department of Engineering message board for being so helpful. -- The Handy Vandal's Almanac for references. -- Thanks to all of the great TFC community sites which may host/review/mention this map. Special thanks especially goes to all the members of the Sierra Team Fortress 1.5 forum and TF Military forum and all the members of =TFM= for testing this map and giving me many very helpful suggestions. -- More than anyone else, thanks to Valve for making two great games, Half-Life and Team Fortress Classic. Keep up the good work! -- ======================================== Copyright Information ======================================== This map should NOT be used as a base without the author's permission. This map may ONLY be distributed with crenel.txt and this file in its original, unmodified form unless it is downloaded directly from a server. You may NOT decompile or reverse-engineer this map and then distribute it in any way. You may NOT distribute this map as your own creation. This map may NOT be distributed for profit. Permission must be obtained from the author before this map is distributed as part of any anthology or collection of other maps. Send all comments to Have Fun!