Cydonia (version 1) **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 01:47 10/22/1999 ================================================================ Title : Cydonia Filename : cydonia.bsp Author : Lee G Belote (AKULA-J-) of Z Factor productions (ZFP) Email Address : URL : Description : TeamFortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 8-24 ================================================================ New Skybox : Yes New Textures : Yes New Sounds : Yes Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 Other utilities used : Wally, PsP, Bryce 3D, EntEd Build machine: PII-350 64MB RAM Build time: 11 weeks Compile times HLCSG: 52.02 seconds HLBSP: 61.35 seconds HLVIS : 191.80 seconds HLRAD: 2514.16 seconds (custom config with QRAD run from DOS promt) Check out the Half-Life Editing Resource Center for all your mapping needs: & (VERY GOOD SITE) ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Unzip all files into your "/half-life" directory, winzip will handle the rest. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Normal CTF stuff mostly. Everything is well marked and there is only one cap point per team this time around. The secondary goal is to destroy the control center with a detpack. There's a switch near the flag that'll open up the control center. Also there is a second switch inside the control center if you get trapped. Scoreing is 15 points per flag capture and 7 points for each destruction of the control center. There are a few items in the map that can destroyed with detpacks (you figure it out). The sign usage covers the respawn, flag, and control center only (the critcal goals). Personaly I think signs promote the pussifacation of the TFC player. In short take the 5-15 minutes it takes to learn a new map like us old timers do. Don't try too respawn camp because not only will you die you'll look stupid at the same time. ================================================================ OTHER INFORMATION: Textures - I only bummed two textures one from Uncle Bruce (the resupply sign) and the other from Hellface (the three tube light "m_light1"). If you see a texture that you think came from somewhere else look again you'll find it doesn't quite match. Sounds - I use three sounds from the "USS Darkstar" single player addon the other two sounds are home grown. Skybox - that is BASED on the sky used in the "USS Darkstar" single player addon but I had too do some major editing so it'll work with this map correctly. ================================================================ BUGS: If there is one it got past all three of us. I couldn't have my trains and low r_speeds at the same time damnit. (huff) ================================================================ THANKS TO: Lord Bishop - For all his hard work on the train that didn't make it into the final version. (I did use his kickass tracks) His testing and feedback help was nice too. He also ran the lighting program on this map as my system doesn't quite have enough ram too get the job done. VorTeX - For his feedback info and spotting the voodoo1 framerate problem. Also he made a texture that didn't make it into the final version. (sorry) ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< "Cydonia" is copyright 1999 ZFactor Productions. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any other way without my permission. ================================================================ P.S. -- Go to this site and download the "USS Darkstar" single player addon. I used some of their work so it's only fair to pimp their work in return. If you are a map reviewer that going to slam this just for being CTF based remember that CTF is the very heart and soul of TeamFortress (i.e. you're missing the point)