*** Welcome To DarkSouls *** **** This map designed for the Team Fortress Classic Half-Life mod **** ================================================================ Title : Darksouls Status : Final Map Size : 2.8 megs (With custom textures) Date Started : Sept. 16th/99 Date Completed : July 14/2000 Filename : souls.zip (darksouls.bsp,darksouls.txt,darksouls_info.txt) Author(s) : [WTF]Dr_Bones & [WTF?]Dyne Email Address : bones@lowlife.com & Dyne@halflife.lowlife.com ICQ : 42188616 & 35848826 Website : http://www.mapfinger.com/members/Dr_Bones/ Description : Team Fortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 6-12 ================================================================ New Textures : Yes New Skins : No New Sounds : No Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 Compiler : Q2Beaver & ZHLT Tools ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Easy Way: Just unzip into your halflife directory. All the files will go into their right spots. Hard Way: Unzip darksouls.bsp, darksouls.txt and darksouls_info.txt into your halflife/tfc/maps directory. Unzip all the custom sky files into your halflife/tfc/gfx/env directory. ================================================================ MAP BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Set in a gothic style village were vampires have taken over the local church. After many bites the villagers decide to attack the vampires and take back the night. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: This is a standard CTF type map. Gain the enemy teams flag and return it to your capture point. ================================================================ SCORING: 10 points per capture. ================================================================ TIPS: There are two secrets in this map that will help both teams capture the enemy flag. Seek them out to increase your chances to score. ================================================================ COMPLETED MAPS: [WTF?]Dr_Bones: Castle Wars, Armageddon, Pharaoh's Curse, War Of Ages, Dragonlords Dragonlords (Special Edition) and Pharaoh's Curse II. ================================================================ UPCOMING MAPS: [WTF?]Dr_Bones: Scouts Honor, Castle Wars II, Armageddon II, Fortress and more. Check out my mapfinger page for full details on my upcoming levels including screenshots. ================================================================ SPECIAL THANKS TO: - [WTF?]Dyne for waiting so long before I released the level. - Gumby for the great prefabs. - To MoOg for the perfect sky. :) - To all the people at the DOE "http://doe.lowlife.com/halflife/" who helped playtest this map. - To everyone else who I've forgotten to state. :) ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: DarkSouls is copyrighted 1999-2000, [WTF?]Dr_Bones & [WTF?Dyne Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================