

CTF style map for Half-Life Team Fortress 1.5 mod
By Highlander. 5th January 2001

v 1.0 (Final release)

** General information**
Title                   : Debaser
Filename                : debaser.bsp
Author                  : Highlander
Email		        :
Web Site		:
Description             : A small to medium sized CTF

Other maps by this author : 	High Security League

Number of Teams		: 2
Recommended # of Players: 16 

** Map information **
New Textures		: none
New Sounds		: none
Tools used		: Worldcraft 3.3
			: Zoner's compile tools v1.5
Build time		: Couple of days
Compile Machine		: Celery 433 Voodoo 3 3000 128 megs RAM
Compile time		: About 15 mins

** Installation **

Extract all the files from your zip into the "Half-Life" directory. 

You should now be able to run this map from your own computer or play on another server which is
 running the map.

If this does not work, e-mail me at the address above.

** Team information **

Blue team - No class limitations
Red team - No class limitations

** Game Rules **

Objective: Enter the enemy Base and make your way to where their Flag resides in the flag room.
 Grab it and bring it back to your Battlements. Place it on the 'Capture Point' sign to Capture it. 

Scoring: 10 points per Capture.

Other Notes: Flag carriers drop the Flag when they die. Dropped flags return to their Base after 60 seconds.

** Additional information **

I was bored and i thought I'd do a bit of mapping so i threw this together in a couple of days.
I think it didn't go to bad, but I sort of messed up the outside area and due to not enough planning
I've had to make the between-bases area a lot bigger than I'd hoped. If you go into observer mode you'll
see what I mean.

Although this is the first version of this map I'm not gonna update it or anything because I'm sick of the
sight of it already, so don't bother reporting any bugs or anything.

Thanks for downloading, and have fun!


If you have any abuse regarding any of my maps, please contact me at the above address.

Come into #clan187 or #xhc on Quakenet IRC if you want me to personaly bitch at you.

** Special thanks to **

No one. I hate all you bitches. I made it on my own.
Oh but thanks in advance to anyone who decides to run it on their server :]

** Revision history **

None. This is first and last version of debaser.


You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.  

This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.