Defy_r Capture the flag map for Half-Life Team Fortress Classic mod By McCoy. 1st February 2001 v 1.0 (final release) ================================================================ ** General information** ================================================================ Title : Defy_r Filename : defy_r.bsp, defy_r.txt, defyreadme.txt Author : Erik Doescher (McCoy) Email : Web Site : offline at this time Description : Big-ass TFC, CTF style map, with a Rock2 style det tunnel thrown in :). This is a revision of the original Defy map based on Top Ten League feedback. I added a back entrance to the flag room and removed the ammo packs from the lower respawn entrance. I also gave the top vent entrance a lip to make it more accesible from the ground via a jump. Other maps by this author : Bloodtube Capparena Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 16 - 18 ================================================================ ** Map information ** ================================================================ New Textures : none New Sounds : none Tools used : Worldcraft 3.3 : HLCC compiler front end : Zoner's compile tools v2.4.2 Build time : 9 months (on and off, mostly off) Compile Machine : P2-450, 256 Megs RAM Compile time : about an hour ================================================================ ** Installation ** ================================================================ Extract all the files from your zip into the "Half-Life\tfc\maps" directory. You should now be able to run this map from your own computer or play on another server which is running the map. ================================================================ ** Team information ** ================================================================ Blue team - No class limitations Red team - No class limitations ================================================================ ** Game Rules ** ================================================================ Objective: Enter the enemy base and make your way to the loading dock where their flag resides. Grab it and bring it back to your base. Place it on the raised square to capture it. Scoring: 10 points per capture. 10 frags to the capper. Note: Flag carriers drop the flag when they die. Flags return to their original spot 30 seconds after it has been dropped. ================================================================ ** Additional information ** ================================================================ This is my attempt at making a CTF level that is hopefully both balanced and fun. But isn't that just what we are all trying to do? Any comments you have regarding any of my maps, please contact me at the above address ================================================================ ** Special thanks to ** ================================================================ Levicon and Rogue, for their substantial input and playtesting (if you ever want to find a bug in your map, send it to Levicon- the map breaker). Draven, for setting up the playtesting servers, and also offering up some tips on making the map more engineer and defense friendly. All of FT and Blksun for playtesting, as well as some of the SD guys who checked it out and gave me some input. Everybody at the TFC forum, who answered all my tough editing questions (especially Flintman). The Top Ten Tournament (especially Nemo and Fragfire), a league that really promotes new user-made maps. Yak_Fighter, for the truck prefab ( To Iria, my love, for putting up with me and all my map building! And of course Valve / Sierra for making this great game! ================================================================ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================