========================= TFC Map Spec Sheet ========================= ---Map Information------- Title : Double Penetration Author : Noggin Version : Final 26/6/99 Filename : doublep.zip New Textures : None New Sounds : None Other lvls by author : G-Spot. Description : *BIG* map, a sort of Rock2 variant. It really needs a lot of players (18+) Players : Ideally 16+ Type : TFC (DM, SP, TFC, TF2) Scoring Information : 5 points for activation key/locks, 10 points for team when the weapon is activated. Number of Teams : 2, Blue and Red. ICQ : 37928599 Email address : md909@hotmail.com Website : http://wkweb1.cableinet.co.uk/devin/ Thanks to : Snowdog, Autolycus/Gamedesign, Evilchild/Moog/Lowlife. Everyone who helped on the forums... ---Construction---------- Editor(s) used : WC2.crashalot Compile Machine : Celeron 450, 128Mb RAM Compile time : 2 hours. ---------------------- Map Playing ---------------------- Infiltrate enemy base, steal the Control Centre keys, proceed to the Control Centre open the door start the weapon, repeat until bored. Each team has a key to the right and left of their spawn room which the enemy will try and get. The first key will allow access to the control centre in the basement and the 2nd key will activate the weapon. All the green slime/radioactive waste will hurt a player, but the processed waste in the basement does not hurt as much...this is a hint :) Think Rock2 and you will see what im getting at... Hope you enjoy! ---------------------- TESTING INFO (& notes) ---------------------- This is the second revision, the first map i posted no the DOE was, i quote, "like land of the giants" :) Ive rescaled it all and touched everything up. A player can carry both keys needed to activate the enemy weapon, which im not sure about, but he will have a hard job anyway. Its best if 2 scouts go in, thus gives the reason for the map name :) The emergency teleport system will only open when the enemy has infiltrated your control centre area. Other things which i need feedback about the SG placement restriction areas. Ive mainly covered the door areas. All messages should be working properly now. Apart from that it should be all working fine. Haha. ---------------------- ADDITIONAL INFO ---------------------- Thanks to Snowdog for the feedback and my stupid questions! Also to anyone on the forums who've helped and Evilchild and Autolycus for great web sites, keep up the good work! Oh yeah and Zoner for updating the compile tools. Copyright / Permissions This map is for BETA testing only and is NOT the finished product. After testing, please delete this map from your hard drive. If you don't, that will only cause confusion once the final version of the map is released. Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.