================================================================ Title : Escape To USA - Border Run Date : June 16, 2002 Filename : escape_usa.bsp Author : David Brent *AKA*GenBowl Email Address : davidbb@mindless.com Home Page : http://classicaka.com/ Description : A basic escape/border style map, similar to Hunted. A US plane goes down near the US/CAN border, and a group of pilots are help up in a small village. It's up to the US troops to help the pilots escape back into US. Canadian Mounties try to stop the pilots from escaping. Additional Credits : 1. Classic*AKA* (http://classicaka.com/) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. Kick ass thanks to all the *AKA* Guild members who put in time to beta test this map. They were (in no specific order): *AKA*GenBowl, *AKA*Goomba, *AKA*White Bishop, *AKA*Slipknot, *AKA*Ken_Kaniff, *AKA*Dradicus 3. Valve software for making this great game. Installation : If you cannot copy/paste the tfc folder, then here are the placements of files. \Half-Life\tfc [escape_usa.wad] \Half-Life\tfc\maps [escape_usa.bsp] \Half-Life\tfc\maps [escape_usa.txt] \Half-Life\tfc\maps [escape_usainfo.bsp] ================================================================ * Play Information * --------------------------- Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * ------------------------ Base : This map was built from total scratch, using similar ideas from the tfcborder2a map. The bordering trees and fence were used from a .wad pack I found on pipejump2001, so any credits for that go to Jobabob's crew. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Issues : If you are using Software Mode, this map will run extremely slow and sluggish. If you are not using OpenGL and/or don't have a good video card, don't complain to me about your outdated hardware. A minor error with the truck is that it doesn't tilt going up/down the hill, so if you are standing near the truck when it goes on the hill, you may be crushed underneath. Total Compile Time : 7 hours Compile machine : PIII 700mhz 256MB RAM DS III S540 32MB QCSG Time : 15 second QBSP Time : 35 second QVIS Time (full) : 5 hours QRAD Time (extra) : 2 hours * Permissions * ----------------------- No selling this map for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored! Free distribution online is fine as long I get credited for the map. Please email me if you do share this map or any of the zip contents online. You MAY NOT alter or add on to this level AT ALL, find someone else to whore from. E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going! ================================================================