================================================================================ * HALF-LIFE LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Fortskin FILENAME : Fortskin.zip AUTHOR : ]-[!Tm@N TYPE : TFC EMAIL ADDRESS : me-@gamespotmail.com HOMEPAGE URL : www.mapfinger.com/members/HiTmaN (case sensetive) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTF with added support for deathmatch (green and yellow) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMFORTRESS CLASSIC : 2 Teams SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 6 to 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft OTHER UTILITIES USED : Zoner's HL Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lod, midgit wars ummm err i mean Lod2 and HiT_DM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: Place the .BSP and .TXT files in tfc/maps/ Yellow and Green teams are for deathmatch they may be spectaded via teleports in red and blue respawn rooms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * THANKS TO.... * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faustus of clan Np for compiling Check out his map here http://www.geocities.com/clan_no_pressure/ ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. I reserve the right to have the head of the reviewer of this map removed and placed on my desktop as a warning to others if I feel it has received an unfair review. If you are going to review the map, you must NOTIFY ME via flying monkey. (confused? yhea u should be) Half-Life (C) 1998-99 Sierra On-line and Valve L.L.C. All rights reserved. [END OF DATA]=========================================================[.txt|Gen]