by [WTF?]Snowdog
Teams:   2
Game:    Standard Capture the flag 
Scoring: 10 pts per capture (10 frags)

Note: Explosive crates in service tunnels are detpackable
      by the enemy team.

Title 			: The Gauntlet
Filename		: gauntlet.bsp

Author			: [WTF?]Snowdog
Email address 		:
Clan[WTF?] Website      :

Description		: Standard Capture the flag 
			  10 pts per capture (10 frags)

Type                    : TFC  8-32 players
Status                  : Final Release 

Custom Sounds:	 No  
Custom Textures: Yes ( embedded )
Custom Sky:	 No
Custom Models:	 Yes ( backpacks by [WTF?]Snowdog, Flags by [WTF?]Un_ethical ) 
Resource File: 	 Included

Unzip to your halflife folder.  Make sure to enable winzip's 
'use folder names' option!

First let me start with special thanks to the following people...

[WTF?]Un_ethical for his work on the [WTF?] flag model.

[WTF?]Gaurdian, [WTF?]Gorified, [WTF?]Prometheus and [WTF?]Huenberry for their frequent testing and feedback in playtest after playtest. 

[WTF?]sHINMA for his playtesting assistance as well as hosting several DOE playtests for the various Arid Assult beta versions.

Thanks goes to the rest of Clan[WTF?] and various people from the DOE for the help and feedback on this and other maps.


Clan[WTF?] "The Mappers Clan" Website 
Department of Engineering (mappers resources)


MODELS:  May only be used by Clan[WTF?]!

***Authors - Permissions**************************************
This BSP Is the creation of Todd Faris - Aka [WTF?]Snowdog

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base (in whole or in part) to build additional levels, 
Unless permission is sought from [WTF?]Snowdog.

You may not distribute this BSP without this file and the gauntlet.txt file.  Unless it 
is downloaded through a Half-Life game server using the autodownload feature. 
Any server running this map must utilize the included resource file to ensure 
clients get all the files.

You may not, in any way distribute this BSP for finacial profit (unless it's mine).
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission. Though if you ask I'll probably let you.

I Thank you 