GibHut by SlipKnoTKills ======================= To install this map, put in directories shown below. Put GibHut.bsp in "sierra/halflife/tfc/maps" directory. Put GibHut.txt in "sierra/halflife/tfc/maps" directory. Put GibHut Installation.txt in "sierra/halflife/tfc/maps" directory. Keep this .txt file for further use (just in case). Thanks for downloading my map. I hope you enjoy it. ==================================================================== |~Copyright~| Other level makers MAY NOT use this level to build additional levels. You CAN NOT distribute this level unless this file is included with NO modifications! This level may be distributed only over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. You CAN NOT modify GibHut.txt and GibHut Installation.txt. They must stay as they are unless changed by me, or if I ask for it to be changed.