**** This map designed for the Team Fortress 1.5 Half-Life MOD **** ================================================================ Title : Gore Gasm Filename : goregasm.bsp Author(s) : [WTF?]Gorified Website: : http://www.mapper.org/gorified Email Address : gorified@game-edit.com ICQ : 11135955 Number of Teams : 2 # of Players : 10-24 ================================================================ New Textures : Yes New Sounds : Yes New Models : Yes New Sky : Yes Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Compiler : Q2Beaver & ZHLT Tools ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Uzip the files in to your TFC directory. The files should go to thier respective folders. To do it manually, here is the folder structure. tfc\maps :goregasm.bsp, goregasm.txt, goregasm_info.txt tfc\models :redmark.mdl, bluemark.mdl, wtflag.mdl, wtfpack.mdl tfc\sounds\goregasm :ggthunder.wav, hawk.wav tfc\gfx\env :All "fullmoon" bmp and tga files ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Access the enemies control room and shut down the security system to gain access to the flag. The security will reset after 90 seconds. Take the flag and return it to the cap point in the upper level of your base. TIPS: The water access grate in the flag rooms are operated by a switch in the control room. Make sure to keep it closed in your base! You can also disarm the security by simultaneously pressing the two team symbols in the flag room. ================================================================ SCORING: 10 points per capture. ================================================================ SPECIAL THANKS: [WTF?]MoOg for the awesome night sky! [WTF?]Un_ethical for the flag model and the team marker models. Sean Johnson for the texpack2.wad I used for some of the textures. [WTF?]Prometheus, [WTF?]Snowdog for feedback during the initial construction. [WTF?]Gaurdian, the only person I know that can break ANY map! EVERYONE at Dept. of Engineering (http://doe.lowlife.com/halflife) for all the feedback in the past, present and future. And of course Clan[WTF?] (http://wtf.game-edit.com) for it's talented mappers, modelers, and texture artists. ================================================================ FEEDBACK: I would appreciate any feedback good or bad about this map. It's feedback from the players that will help me make better maps to play on! ================================================================= ADMINS: If you run this map on your server, please send me an email. It would be great to get a good match going on this map! ================================================================= COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================