**** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** ================================================================ Title : Ground Zero Filename : ground0.zip Author : Cycloid Email Address : me@cycloid.force9.co.uk Version : 0.95 Description : TeamFortress Classic Half-Life Map : 2 Teams, "One-sided extended CTF". Check out the TeamFortress Classic homepage at: http://www.sierrastudios.com/games/tfclassic/ ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.sierrastudios.com/games/tfclassic/ or from any good Half-life site. Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress Classic : Yes, ~6-10 players per team Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ================================================================ * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.1 Compiled with : q2BeaVeR & Zoner's Half Life Tools Known Bugs : none Base : none Construction Time : 1 month inc testing Build Computer : PII400 128MB HLCSG : 42 sec. HLBSP2 : 41 sec. HLVIS : 1874 sec. HLRAD : 3221 sec. ================================================================ * Version Info * 199/07/20 V0.95 - Due to a stupid mistake on my part the blue team couldn't score any points .. Doh! - Embedded a couple more signs in the walls - Sorted out the event messages - some dodgy brushe in the cavey/waterry/rocky bit 1999/07/16 V 0.9 - Added more signs and embedded most in the walls - 2fort style. More consistent signage generally. - Lighting brushes now consistent ( *only* 5 light types now ) - Core entities sorted, there's now a 'Radiation Death' brush which kicks in at the end of the airlock sequence. To stop people getting stuck in the core (accidentally or no). - Added class-specific respawn points. This means that no class spawns with more than 2 grenades of each type... Which means there're >40 spawn points for each team!! ( >= 4 for each class ) - Moved the cargo containers around a bit. - Added a ladder to the SW pillar of the loading bay Added clip brushes to ladders to make them a smoother ride - Adjusted the water brushes. And fiddled with some of the rock formations. - placed func_nobuild brushes over respawn points - tidied up the truck and stuck a gate in front of it. - Tidied up the SE stairwell 1999/07/06 V 0.81 (changes since 0.8 !) - The Signs to the Control Booth and Airlock were practically impossible to see, added spotlights. - Top of red staircase was Pitch black, upped the light a bit. - Slapped a cargo container into the loading bay. ================================================================ * Files included in this archive * ground0.bsp : Map file. ground0.txt : Map briefing text. ground0_readme.txt : U R Here gz.map : The map i used to work out the entities. Use 'em if you like (some are allready recycled from cz2 and rock ;) they're not 100% perfect cos i tweaked em once i transplanted em into the real deal. ================================================================ * Plot * Intelligence Reports show that the enemy have taken control of an abandoned Nuclear Fusion test facility in the deserts of the south east. To prevent them from continuing our research we have decided the site must be destroyed. The facility is located underground beneath some heavy rock formations so an air strike will be innefective. Your task, therefore, is to infiltrate the facility and destroy the reactor core. To gain access to the core you must first collect the keycard from the office on the top level (level A) and take it to the base of the reactor at level D. There you may use the keycard to operate the airlock. Giving a Demolition Man access to the core, where he can lay a Detpack and destroy the core, destroying the base and everyone in it. You will meet with heavy resistance. * Which means... * Red team objectives: - Gain the keycard - Take to the control booth on level D ( 5 frags ) - Use the airlock to gain the core (also level D) - Detpack the core ( 5 frags, 5 team points ) Blue Objectives: - Prevent Red from reaching their objectives - Kill the keycard carrier ( 2 team points ) ================================================================ * Stuff * It was an idea i had ages ago, but i've been learning the craft of level construcion first. this is my first TFC effort. enjoy. ================================================================ * Installation * Extract ground0.bsp and ground0.txt file into your halflife\TFC\maps directory. ================================================================ * Greets * Clan TR , you know who you are. Wavelength and the HLERC. Revolver (thanks for the Cargo container prefabs) Pakman Kamikaze Radium, keep up the good work ( grovel grovel slime slime ;) ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY / MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ================================================================ _ \_/ \ | ----+-<>- / / `¬