**** This map is designed for the Team Fortress 1.5 Half-Life MOD **** 26/11/2000 <<---------------------------------->> Installation <<----------------------------------->> Very simple here. Just unzip 'heavyduel.zip' into your Half-Life directory. (make sure use folder names is ticked in winzip) if something goes wrong, the map isn't working...make sure: ------> heavyduel.bsp is in half-life/tfc/maps ------> heavyduel.res is in half-life/tfc/maps ------> heavyduel.txt is in half-life/tfc/maps ------> heavyduel_info.txt is in half-life/tfc/maps ------> heavyduel.wad is in half-life/tfc <<------------------------------------->> Credits <<------------------------------------->> Title : Heavy Duel Filename : heavyduel.zip Author : Russian_Troops Email Address : russian_troops@hotmail.com Description : Team Fortress 1.5 duel-training Team Fortress homepage : http://www.teamfortressclassic.com/ Additional credits : Valve software for Half-life, TFC and the new Worldcraft; : www.gracelessland.com for ToolBox Compilation Controller; : Zoner for his compile tools. <<-------------------------------->> Play Information <<--------------------------------->> New Sounds : none New Graphics : 3 new textures by me <<---------------------------------->> Construction <<----------------------------------->> Base : AK Heavy - the A2K QWTF clan training map Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 3.3; : ToolBox Compilation Controller ( www.gracelessland.com ); : Wally ( www.telefragged.com/wally ); : Paint Shop; : Zoner's Half-Life tools. Known Bugs : None Build Time : 5 minutes using Zoner's HL tools 2.4.2 Machine Used : P550, 192 MB RAM <<------------------------------------>> Gameplay <<------------------------------------->> Frag, be fragged or both Previously, duel maps used to be perfectly flat arenas with no cover - how un-tfc was that? THIS is a duel map with a difference. It has common tfc obstacles like stairs, ramps, lifts and elevations. It includes the Spam-Free (R) spawn system where fresh warriors have the choice of 5 arena entry points, and the Re-Sup-Matic (R) resupply system where re-supply packs temporarily appear inside the arena when fresh warriors enter, eliminating the common 'I only had 1 health when we started!!' excuse. <-------> - Upon choosing your team and class you will be spawned in a small room - take all the supplies you can carry because you've got a tough match ahead ! - Choose 1 of the 5 teleports - you will be teleported to the location shown on the machine - Resupply packs will appear inside the arena for 20 seconds when freshly-spawned players enter (The 20 second countdown starts when a player enters the teleport room) - Grenades won't explode inside the respawn to cut back on respawn spam <<----------------------------------->> Final Words <<----------------------------------->> If you have any suggestions; a bug report - any feedback at all, email: russian_troops@hotmail.com Enjoy !