******** info_beta Grad Map Pack #5 ******** ---------------- readme ------------------ This map pack contains 4 TFC maps from the info_beta Graduates Section. The Pack includes: Drug Barons Escape by Mr. Bee Seismic by Light's Bane Sniper Zone by aXon TMIP TFC by <)C(>Hunter Unpack ibGMP5.zip to your Half-Life directory. With 'include original paths' or 'Use paths" depending on your zip utility. This will un-zip files to their proper location. For manual install, or to check files were unpacked properly see file locations below. Half-Life\tfc\ ibGMP5read.me (this file) Half-Life\tfc\maps\ drugbaron.bsp seismic.bsp sniperzone.bsp tmiptfcf.bsp drugbaron.txt (Be sure to keep these seismic.txt 4 text files in maps, sniperzone.txt they display objectives at tmiptfcf.txt begining of map start.) seismic_README.txt sniperzone_info.txt tmiptfcinfo.txt Half-Life\tfc\gfx\env\ jhcanyon###. tga's and .bmp's rain##.tga's and .bmp's Half-Life\tfc\sound\tmiptfc\ lightng2.wav lighton.wav tfcflag.wav tfcpipe.wav Please see maps individual readme files for information on maps. info_beta is a TFC beta map test site at http://info.gamedesign.net/Beta/index.htm For TFC map editing help visit info_beta's mother site. info_design at http://info.gamedesign.net/index.htm You MUST NOT distribute these levels UNLESS you INCLUDE ORIGINAL TEXT FILES WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! These bsp's may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put these bsp files on any CD or distribute it in any other way without authors permission.