-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Jumpdown Release Date : May 15th 2001 Version : 1.0 Filename : jumpdown.zip Author : Ronnie Goodin (Vector) Email Address : vector@fuse.net TFC Server : Vector's TFC Map Description : TFC, two buildings with two teams. Simple capture the : flag map, but don't jumpdown from the buildings (or fall). Single Player : Yes (very boring...) Teamfortress : Yes Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players : 8-16 Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No Base : None Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Bugs : I fixed all the ones I found, perhaps the respawn doors could : open and close faster than they do..Let me know if you find any! Build Time : about 4 weeks (about 5 - 10 hours per week) Compile machine : Pentium 3 500 with 224 megs RAM New Textures : None New Sounds : None New Sky : London -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Unpack the jumpdown.zip file into your Half-Life directory. Example : c:/games/halflife/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play Information: This map has the same rules as a standard TFC map, such as 2fort or well. Objective: Capture the enemy's flag from their base and bring it back to your base. Once you have the enemy's flag, capture it on the roof of the battlement in your base. Be cautious when you are near the edges of the buildings, if you fall off, you will plunge to your death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits and Thanks to: Much thanks to the creator of the sky I used, Marc Schroeder (Term) E-Mail:audion@spaceman.de / spaceman@muenster.de The Half-Life ERC forum and all of the people that have answered my questions. Planethalflife.com for offering a daily dose for my addiction. Sierra & Valve software for making such great games. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Jumpdown is copyright 2001 Ronnie Goodin You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this map, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission. You might get it through contacting me via Email. Feel free to distribute this map, but only if the original zipfile stays intact: the map files and this txt file. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------