================================================================================ MACHINATIONS June 23, 2005 ================================================================================ Blake Hyde (|K}{R|Yam) syrion@gmail.com ================================================================================ This map is designed for the Team Fortress Classic modification. ================================================================================ Scoring: this is a CTF map. Ten points per cap. The capture point is located in the archroom. ================================================================================ This is certainly one of the latest maps released for TFC--probably one of the last. It took several years to complete, as I abandoned it several times only to return to it later. It is atypical in that it uses a texture set which will be familiar to many people who have played Quake or Quake 3: the excellent ikbase set by Iikka "Fingers" Keranen. I also drew a few textures from other sets, but by and large this is an ikbase map. Furthermore, I have constructed this level in a more geometrically complex style than is typical for TFC, but have clipped most of the decorative geometry in order to make the gameplay smoother. It was designed from the beginning with league play in mind, though it is viable for pickups and pubs. The map is intentionally darker than some other maps, too, but there should be no areas where it is overly difficult to see a defender. A couple of notes on other "non-standard" aspects of the map. * If you resupply in the archroom respawn, you receive "blast armor," which makes you more resilient against explosions. * Similarly, the rock room respawn provides shell-resistant armor. * Respawns do not give you health. This is an intentional decision. * The water entrance resupply bag can be used by either team. * Grenades are available next to the "drop hole" from the arch room, and can only be used by the defense. This bag also provides 200 cells for an engineer. * The bases are side-by-side and mirrored. A left turn in the blue base becomes a right turn in the red. This means that changing teams can actually affect gameplay. * The bases are connected only by "shoops"--the underground shoops and the "long shoop." The long shoop only works in one direction for each team. The underground shoop provides invincibility while you're inside it. ================================================================================ Thanks: sirVIPER, for pestering me to finish for all these years. MooN, for pestering me to finish for all these months. |K}{R| in general, for being a great clan (over 350 matches!), and for helping me playtest. Mulchman, for his complimentary comments about a previous map, which helped provide motivation for this one. The QMap people, whose examples provided a wonderful model to emulate. ================================================================================ Installation: Put machinations.bsp, machinations.txt, and machinations_info.txt in your [steam]\[account]\team fortress classic\tfc\maps directory. For example, if your Steam is installed in C:\Program Files, and your account name is nooblet375, the directory you need would be: C:\Program Files\Steam\nooblet375\team fortress classic\tfc\maps