INSTALLATION --------------------------- 1) Make sure you have Halflife version or higher, i.e. one of those versions that include "Team Fortress 1.5" (instead of "Team Fortress Classic"). To update your version of Half-Life go to or use Sierra's AutoUpdate feature. 2) put the text files and the .bsp in your tfc\maps folder and put the monkey.wad file in your tfc folder. Base : New level from scratch Tools used : Worldcraft 3.3, Paint Shop Pro, PakExplorer, Wally, SkyPaint, Spriteviewer, Zoner's Compile Tools. **** This map designed for the Team Fortress Classic Half-Life mod **** Filename : (mansiowar.bsp,mansiowar.txt,mansiowar_readme.txt, monkey.wad) Author :[Pizza]Monkey Boy Email Address : ICQ : 49808324 Website : www.waypointwarehouse,com Description : Team Fortress Classic CTF map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 6-10 ================================================================ New Textures : Yes New Skins : No Thanks to Cheesemonster for giving me a place to put my map, and for being so cool! This map was designed mainly for bot play so go to and get your bot today!