*This text file is best read with word-wrap disabled Nexus Storyline: ------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER ONE - Strange Threats in a Strange World ------------------------------------------------ The year is 2053, Earth has become a barren wasteland corrupted by war and greed. The eastern and western worlds have merged into two colossal countries with armies consisting of billions of soldiers. As the population grows at an alarming rate, the two countries go to war over natural resources and land, but these are soon all consumed. Now as millions upon millions starve to death everyday scientists for the armies frantically search for new means of producing food and energy. The solution the western army finds is a very small deposit of crystalline structures of unknown composition. They learn that if this compound is cooled beyond -174.5 degrees Celsius, it begins to release exponential amounts of heat and light energy as well as pure, clean dihydrogen oxide (Water). Soon Eastern army spies transmit this discovery back to their homeland where immediate action is taken to secure the deposit of crystal compound. Yet the story of war does not end that simple. There was only 55 grams of the crystal structure at the site deep embedded in a cave. Yet as the battle over the mer 55 grams begins the explosions destroy a layer of rock exposing a large structure. Curious of its purpose a Major from the Eastern Army orders to have one of his Sergeants forcefully thrown into it. A static laced transmission sends a message: "It is very dark.. A dampness is in the air, it is almost as someone or something is watching me...." The Major, grows bored and asks if there is any of the crystal compound. "Yes... there is some. Wait.. I see light. Huh..... Dear lord there is an endless commodity of it! Millions of kilos! Send trucks to carry this back!" The Major becomes excited and orders all of his troops the kill the Western army. In his words "We MUST control this resource!" As the battle resumes, the Major continues speaking to his Sergeant. Who has now realized he does not know how to return to Earth. "I want back.... Oh no! How will I get back?! Oh save me! I don't want to be trapped here! What will I eat... I will starve. It is cold! I am going to die!" The Major calms his Sergeant and assures him that they will find a way for him to return. He continues to inquire about the crystal deposit. He asks if there is a clear path to the deposit for trucks. "Yes, there is a steep hill but we can build a bridge. AH! I heard something..." "It was nothing" replies the Major Then a muffled voice is heard over the transmission "Thieves... you all are thieves... you all are thieves... What have you done... Die... Now Die... Now Die..." A startled Major looks up at the Western and Eastern armies running into the portal with a blank, cold face... -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER TWO - Strange Threats in a New World -------------------------------------------- The great war of 2053 is over, with no side being the victors life returns to a more normal pace. The eastern and western armies declare peace now that the energy crisis is over as plenty of the crystal compound was recovered from the Nexus. To explain the crystal compound, a new element on the periodic table now created, named vexdronium. It possesses no neutrons nor protons, but a nucleus of attracts both positively and negatively charged ions. This property is currently under study. Now in 2058, five years after the war of Nexus, strange growths are beginning to develop in areas rich in vexdronium. Strange energy currents are displayed between vexdronium deposits, an energy form which physicists have never encountered before. October 8th, 2057, a lab in St. Louis which holds the largest amount of vexdronium in the world is the scene of a violent flash explosion. The blinding light spreads through the city for 12 seconds. As the flash dies down, bystanders are slaughtered by nexus aliens. The energy fluctuation between deposits of vexdronium was that responsible for opening the gateway between earth and the nexus. Now as the aliens organize themselves in the southern part of St. Louis, the Western Army lands in the Northern End. Their mission: destroy the alien threat. ---------------------------- CHAPTER THREE - Night Violet ---------------------------- As the battle of St. Louis draws to a close, the Nexus aliens come out the victors, now declaring St. Louis as the first Nexus territory on Earth. The human East and West empires have now allied to fight the alien invasion. Their first effort to battle the aliens is the conglomeration of all vexdronium research at a facility in Nevada. The first man-made controlled vexdronium energy cascade takes place October 8th, 2058. October 9th, 2058: fourteen members of the vexdronium science team are killed when a shape-shifting alien took the form of a scientist and infiltrated the Nevada facility. The alien is killed before it can destroy the research. October 10th, 2058: humans see the sun for what may be the last time as a massive welkin vexdronium cascade is detonated by the Nexus aliens in St. Louis. The once clear blue sky turns a purple tone due to excessive amounts of vexdronium oxide gas in the atmosphere. Shifts between the Nexus and Earth are now much easier. With the entire vexdronium science team dead the East and West armies divide responsibilities. Their plan is to have the East army escort more physicists to the base while the West army defends the base against alien attack. A convoy of three trucks carrying East empire troops and physicists is on route to the Nevada base. A mile away from the base the convey is intercepted by three pyric aliens. The team escapes their trucks before they explode. The aliens are stopped with the humans only suffering minimal casualties. With the area now infested with aliens, the small team of infantry and physicists must proceed on foot to the base. The fate of mankind resting on their shoulders. ----------------------------------- By, Dave Vanderburg [WTF?]Chemical Burn wtfchemicalburn@home.com http://members.home.net/wtfchemicalburn