May 2, 2002
Title			: office
Filename		: officetfc.exe
Author			: Stefan "Lt. Llama" Modin
Homepage		: (just for map download)
Description		: Team Fortress Classic DM Map (office theme)

-Play Information-

Single Player		: No
Team Fortress		: Yes
Number of Teams		: 3 (1 boss, 1 union man and a lot of employees)
Reccomended # of Players: 6- people
Deathmatch		: yes

-Construction Information-

Editor used		: Worldcraft 3.33 (build 1315)
Compile tools #1	: Zoner's Compile tools
Compile tools #1	: VERCs compile batch file generator.  For more information, go
Known Bugs		: r_speeds (due to a lot of brushes in small areas)
Build Time		: 500-600 hours
Compile Machine		: AMD Athlon 800 / 128MB RAM
HLCSG Time		: 91.40 seconds
HLBSP Time		: 21.86 seconds
HLVIS Time(full)	: 962.40 seconds elapsed [16m 2s]
HLRAD Time		: 1040.12 seconds elapsed [17m 20s]
Total Compile Time	: 2114 seconds [35m]
Textures		: Halflife.wad, tfc.wad, tfc2.wad, liquids.wad, and embedded
-Install Information-

All the files in the officetfc.exe file are pathed. Install from the folder above your SIERRA folder.
These are the files and folders in case you wanna put it in a folder other than the default:





Since two weeks a difficult conflict have occurred at a small firm. A
broken coffee machine is the reason. The Boss means that to much time
is spent on drinking coffee. The union and employess means that without
coffee there will be no production.


   Boss: Defend the office against the rebellious workers.
   Employees: Hack into the system by capturing all computers.
   Union man: Defend the employees in their cause.

-Additional Information-

(The goal is to gain frag points. When all computers have been hacked you have 15 seconds to
find the exit to the vacation paradise).



The paintings comes from all kinds of web museums. I'll just give all my appreciation for those
compiling the outstanding art exhibitions on the web. (and plz don't sue me, this is not a commercial

And thx to the following painters for creating the following piece of arts:
Renoir, Auguste: Les Boulevard des Capucines
Josephsson, Ernst: The Neckan
Renoir, Auguste: Le Grandes Boulevardes
Manet, Edouard: Bar at the Folies Bergere
Picasso, Pablo: The Acrobat Family
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominuque: La Baigneuse
Chagall, Marc: Feathers in Bloom
van Gogh, Vincent: Bowl with Sunflowers, Roses and other Flowers
Gaugain, Paul: Arearea
Renoir, Auguste: Le Pont d'Argenteuil

The three cartoons on the toilet is made by the swedish cartoonist Ulf Lundkvist. Translated by me.

Sounds/Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio Broadcasting Corporation)

1. From "Trädgårdsdags" (gardening time): One of Swedens oldest radio programs. The radio compéres are
Ulf Schenkmanis and Eric Samuelsson. A cult program because of Ulf's and Eric's eternal arguing about
how to manage flowers. My version is slightly edited to enhance the arguing effect.

2. from "Klarspråk" (Honestly Speaking): A debate program where common people can express their thoughts
about everything. This "Klarspråk" was sent during easter 2002. The subject is "poor hens who have to sit in
small cages".

3. From "Sjöväder från SMHI" (sea weather from SMHI): This is the definite solution to every sleeping disorder
invented. If you cant fall asleep listening to this there must be some serious wrong with you.

4. J.S. Bach "Air on a G String": Sorry m8s, this wav file is 3,3 mb. But i hope you enjoy it in the vacation
paradise after a heavy fragging feast.


micro by Alan "Xaejiin" Purdy
Stereo entitities by Sean "Insane" Murray: Creator of conc_hell
Toilet by (slightly modified by me)
Vases by Nick Coombe

Copyright Information-

office is copyright 2002 by Lt. Llama.
Authors may use this map as a base to build aditional maps as long as they ask for my permission and give me credit for
the work i have done that they are using.  Please do not just rename the map and say that it's yours, cause that is gay.
You can e-mail me at if you need to reach me.