================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Opposing Forces FILENAME : oppose.bsp AUTHOR : Jay Lindholm -A.K.A.- Deride[KiN] DATE : GAME : Team Fortress Classic EMAIL ADDRESS : hankey@uswest.net or UncleJimbo@hempseed.com HOMEPAGE URL : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Bases (red and blue), facing eachother, CTF style gameplay. Use the Air Chute and Ramp to get to the upper level in which the flag resides. Capture the flag back in your Battlements by jumping through the hole in the ceiling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : 1 Player Start Point(s) CO-OPERATIVE : 0 Player Start Point(s) DEATHMATCH : Nope, why have a deathmatch in a teamplay mod? TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC : 2 Teams : 16 Player Respawn Points per Team (8 per respawn room) SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 6 to 24, 32 might be crowded (as with any map) NEW TEXTURES : No NEW SOUNDS : Yes "windfly.wav , l_hum1.wav , heavycap.wav" CD TRACK # : 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map PREFABS USED : None EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 2.1 Beta OTHER UTILITIES USED : Quark, to find out why worldcraft likes to make signs negitive images. KNOWN BUGS : Bridge Disappears In Software Mode, Solution! (buy some sorta 3dfx card, where the hell have you been?) Flag's change angle when they return to base. (no solution I can find) COMPILE MACHINE : p200 , 96MB RAM QCSG TIME : 197 seconds QBSP2 TIME : 194 seconds VIS TIME : 13292 seconds QRAD TIME : 6515 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half-Life : Sniper War(TFC) Square 1(TFC) TCAbodies(DM) Quake II : Death Or Glory (WF) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Put 'oppose.bsp' and 'oppose.txt' in /Half-Life/tfc/maps Put 'windfly.wav' and 'l_hum1.wav' in /Half-Life/tfc/sound Put 'heavycap.wav' in Half-Life/tfc/sound/vox Put 'this text you are reading' anywhere you damn please. ... Front doors are slow, because they were even slower in the original, I like it that way, so hush. Gameplay is intended to be heavily defended bases, because it's not much of an opposing force if you can march in with no resistance and grab a flag now is it? it makes you use your head, and teamwork for offense. (oh no, you llamas might have to use teamwork? no more DM? cry about it.) Note: Llamas refering to the people who play TFC just for frags, not for the teamgame that it is, to show off. (not the hairy little animal.) I made this map because I really, really liked the TF map Oppose. (as did my friends) so I made it for TFC. The architecture lacks because I tried to keep the level as architectually sound as the original. I added boxes and stuff to give more places to duck behind or build stuff on and made the door frames upstairs a bit different so you can build on them in the TFC engine. I made the respawn rooms like the resupply rooms in 2forts, but I put the grenade bag in the same place as it was in the original oppose1 for TF, (it's behind your air chute). This map was made from scratch, I just took screenshots of the original map, and used my memory to come up with this one, I did not use a .map or .rmf or anything to build off of. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valve Software : For making a great game Tresmer[KiN] : Help with playtesting/ideas/etc. [T]Girb : For giving this nice text template from his map Bases. ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. I DENY the permission to review this to anyone without prior consent (email me and ask, I'll probably say "yes" unless of cours you work at/for Mutilated.) I also ask that RADIUM mails me and gets permission for my prior levels before they review this one, those were never meant for review in the first place! You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission, and if permission is given, I demand a free copy of that media in return "exceptions may be made". [END OF DATA]==========================================================[.txtGen]