================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION ================================================================ Title : Chemical Burn's Pit Filename : chempit.bsp Game : Half-Life Type/Mod : Team Fortress Classic Gameplay : King of the Kill Author : [WTF?]Chemical Burn -- Dave Vanderburg Other Levels by Author : Villa, Flaghunt, Nexus3, Nexus2 Email Address : wtfchemicalburn@cogeco.ca Homepage : http://chemaps.valvelegion.org Additional Credits To : Bio-Weapon for texture creation Bio-Weapon for texture editing FryGuy for help in alpha testing (burntpopcorn.net) Shane for allowing beta testing on the CoJ server (coj.spies.com) Objective: Take your team's flag to the command point located at the top of the complex and defend it. Scoring: 1 point every 15 seconds your team is king of Chempit. Other Notes: Dropped flags return after 60 seconds. Security doors close 45 seconds after opening. Lasers will prevent you from carrying your team's flag while you are "King of Chempit" ================================================================ INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS ================================================================ WINZIP USERS Unzip all contents into your "Half-Life" directory. Make sure your "Use Folder Names" is enabled. NON-WINZIP USERS (MANUAL INSTALLATION) Place chempit.bsp and chempit.txt into your tfc/maps/ directory Place wtflag.mdl and wtfpack.mdl into your tfc/models/ directory **readme-chempit.txt doe not need to be installed but is recommended reading. ================================================================ CONSTRUCTION ================================================================ Base : Scratch Editor(s) Used : Worldcraft 3.3 Build Time : Apx. 16 Days Compile Machine : 900MHz Athlon, 512Mb RAM, 7200rpm IBM HD Compile Time : Apx. 20 minutes ================================================================ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================================================================ Please send all comments ang bug reports to wtfchemicalburn@cogeco.ca or to ICQ #53510429. ================================================================ COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ================================================================ Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ________________________________________________________________